N1M Charts

N1M Charts
Week 30, 2024

Now showing the Global charts for Modern Rock. Change chart or genre?

  • Position has dropped relative to last week
  • Position has increased relative to last week
  • Position has stayed relative to last week
  • Hot shot debut
  • New
  • Peak Position
  • Last Week Position
  • Weeks on Chart
* Please note, The Charts are calculated on a Weekly basis according to our very special formula of song engagement which includes many factors of activity for a particular song. Those factors cannot be discussed here or elsewhere to avoid any cheating.
  • 1
    She’s Just Like You - MikeFev
    Modern Rock
  • 2
    Parachute - the Diligents
    Modern Rock / Alternative Rock
    Signature review:

    This Is How It Is Done!

    Bravo! This song starts out with such an inviting combination of chords that ease into the warm good... more Bravo! This song starts out with such an inviting combination of chords that ease into the warm good mood that this song radiates. It is like warm butter melting into this very listenable combination of great vocals, harmonies, excellent riffs, powerful drums that get the rhythm done without overpowering. When I saw that it was a >5 minute long song, I was bracing myself, however, this song DELIVERS. It actually felt too short! I could have listened longer. We have all been there when a 3 minute song seems like a horrible waste of time. Not so with Parachute. I want to hear more of what this band has to offer. I think that you will, too. I highly recommend taking a listen to this great song. I just starred it to add to my favorites! less

  • 3
    Castle Walls - applespacebar
    Modern Rock
  • 4
    Heart Calling - La Piedra
    Modern Rock
  • 5
    Yourself in my place - Adam Siridean
    Modern Rock / Folk Rock / Pop Rock
  • 6
    Wake Me When It's Over - applespacebar
    Modern Rock
  • 7
    Set Free - DARKIN
    Modern Rock
  • 8
    City 2 City - Wrick Luv
    Modern Rock
  • 9
    Es Por Ti - J. JOHNNY REYES
    Modern Rock
  • 10
    Wheel of Fortune - Eugene Rady
    Modern Rock
:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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