Song Reviews


Lucy In The Sky With Desi is a very powerful piece you hear from the beginning that has its own because, has its own unexpected shape, has its own space that takes care of without worry, has its own time and its size. while listening to the piece I breathed the air of freedom in its pure state, I breathed the smells and flavors that I already knew a bit but that I had not felt for a long time. something reminds me of a group from the past maybe the fletwood mac. who knows

Italy, italy

Awesome Rock band w melodic Female vocalist

This track rocks then introduces searing melodic lead guitar great rhythm by the drums and an outstanding female vocal nice melodies. This band is awesome. Great writing nice hooks melodic choruses What a wonderful sound this band brings back melodic rock and great sounds from the drums. Nice rhythm sticking by the drummer in the verse. We will be hearing from this band soon with this kind of talent in the band

United States, Tennessee, Nashville

very very nice,good work!!

Very nice song,good work keep it up...nice song this is the way nice music should sound,very classy indeed!! Good luck in the future in all of your music!! I would recommend you to other Listeners!!

United States, California, Tehachapi

Wonderful song

Hi your band's name really fits well with the music.The arrangement is fantastic as are all performances.Reminds me of that 80s band who did that song"Perfect"-Six Pence Non The Wiser or something but different.Beautiful guitar solo and the chorus is amazing.Nice production but I prefer the drums to be a little bit louder although maybe it was because I had you guys on low volume!Cheers,outstanding stuff!

South Africa, Cape Town

A song to dream and relax, fly through space and time...

Very comfortable vibes stroking my ears. This is one of the professional performers here. I like the sound production, performance, mix and song writing. I can't detect any lacks here, that's what it's supposed to be. Enjoying music with out any bothering details. A song to dream and relax, fly through space and time and visit Lucy in the sky... Good work, keep it up and don't give up!

Germany, Stuttgart



Australia, NEWCASTLE

An excellent Folk-Rock song !!

A VERY cool and easy to listen to ballad! Despite the classic American rock style opening, this is basically a folk-rock ballad spiced up with all the right touches of classic rock, very well arranged, recorded and produced. The lead vocal is definitely following in the footsteps of classic Brit and Irish ballad singers , and does so pleasantly without sounding too derivative. So all in all this a well written, well played and produced song lead by a capable and pleasant to listen to lead singer. I loved it!

Israel, Haifa

I can't believe they're not Brits!

As soon as this song started playing, I thought: "Oh, yeah, British modern alternative... Nice" and I started thinking about mentioning bands such as razorlight... Then the first verse came in with a sweetness that made me think of some of there classy English pop there is around, that carefully blends good guitars with a very accessible melodic sensibility... So I thought: "yup, this is worth a review!" So I clicked on the link... And the band is from Texas! No, I know, that shouldn't make any difference and I'm just layering my own misconceived stereotypes onto others... But it was a surprise – and I don't know why it should have been. But this is a wonderfully crafted song. There is logic, there are surprises, there are corners to go round and avenues to view. It's a real treat... And that's just the instrumentation. Add to that the imagery of the lyrics that combine perfectly with the sweetness of the vocal and you have something of a mini classic here. Love it! I know you will too!

United Kingdom, Marlow

Sky's wide open

Really nice intro with beautiful tones from the keys. Love the sprinkling of the different instruments throughout the mix everything is as professionally mixed and arranged as anything out there. The only thing I noticed that was a little out of sync were the vocals in the beginning. It sounded like some of the harmonics were bleeding into the start or keys or vise versa and muddied the mix a little bit. Her register and the keys just feed off of each other a little to much for a bar or two. I doubt if most would ever notice

United States, Illinois, Aurora

Lucy In The Sky With Desi

This Rock Classical Pop piece is a work of magic! The introduction with the drum solo is a real awakening! I don't know who Lucy and Desi are, but I know they inspire amazing messages in music! Whatever the inspiration for this piece it really is wonderfully composed. I love this new voice. The lyrics are like a ballad and a love song together. Once again a top notch instrumental and the song writing is Sensational! I thought it could not improve but it just kept getting better with the guitar, bells and then more keyboard melodies. Very ambitious in it's scope and a real treat.

United Kingdom

Very Good!

What astounds me with this song, are the nice harmony surprises that keep showing up when you least expect it!... She has a nice young voice that fits perfectly with the tune. In overall, I think it's a great song!

Canada, Ontario, Toronto

Positive Vibes from The Antique Harmoniums

Well , an Excellent Quality recording . The decision on which studio to choose , is always fraught with worry . You choose well , as the Class Recording does real Justice to your song . I'm listening on my Laptop here in an unusually sunny Stoke-on-Trent , & its sounds mesmerising . Highs are ( in No order ) , Vocals ( beautiful , happy ) , Guitar sound is VERY Epic . I haven't looked at your Band pictures , but I have an Image in mind . All in All its a Great "Feel-Good" song , expertly crafted by your band , & Superbly recorded . I wish you well for the future . Rob the bass player here .

United Kingdom, Stoke-on-trent

Digging the tune!

Wow! Just came across this song. I really like it and I am going to check out your other stuff. I will like and recommend. Anything to help the cause, right? Gotta get the word out there somehow. Do you have Youtube videos? Send me a few links. I am all about helping my fellow musicians :) Bo - The Spiders

United States, California

Lucy in the Sky with Desi

The band name 'The Antique Harmoniums' is SO MISLEADING!!! This song is completely the opposite of what I expected! We are asked to review so many different styles here, and so many present a very difficult challenge in that they are very far from anywhere near professional. HERE we have a very professional production by very talented musicians in a very smart composition. Only slightly dated by certain musical phrases easily recognized from elsewhere in the past, but also, there are changes and melodic movements here that are refreshingly unexpected. So, KUDOS to this group!!! I adore the lead singer's voice! Very sweet! The most dated aspect here is the production of the guitars. Very 1980s. Everything else is very clean and clear. The production breathes very easily. The only thing I was add is some fat warmth to the overall track at the point of mastering. It feels a bit thin throughout. Otherwise, I am a huge fan of this group! Great Job!!! -Kieron

United States, Oregon, Portland

voice of an angel

good intro good old fashioned rock guitar and then a phases of dream guitar takes you away to the vocal , lovely voice nice acoustic guitars , this is really good feeling music the voice is really interesting. I'm in love with the voice, lovely little keyboard trill cool guitar break this is getting better all the time, heavy riff and then , too much guitar and then the voice , this is what makes the song beautiful like an angel, the voice is key , its really beautiful , this girl is very special as are the band, they've got a great feel , well produced and arranged, i wish it was a little bit longer just to hear more of her voice, but I'm sure ill hear it again, my only criticism, is more voice and less guitar, but i was left with a great feeling after listening to this good luck girl and guys or girls and guys who knows but < yes i loved this so romantic , i played this song 4 times and i would recommend this to anybody , she has the feel regardless what she was singing i can see them doing any style and the voice would carry any type or style of music, the band is very lucky to have such a talented voice, all the way from Texas, all the very best , keep doing what your doing you"ll get there xx

United Kingdom, London

Nice song

Very nice song, I like it a lot, the vocals are good you have a very nice voice, the instruments are well chosen for this song and work well, the guitars are great specially the solos, the mix is very clear, you have done a very good job with this song, 5 stars is what I give it, good luck.

United Kingdom, Limboland

Super smooth

All the great qualities of The Antique Harmoniums are coming through again in this track. The changes between instrumental and vocals are super smooth, showing the musical talent and imagination of each performer without showing off. As usual very well produced and well balanced mix. I love when the vocal melody line goes up a half tone. I tried hard to find a suggestion, but sorry, this song is just great as it is.

New Zealand, Hamilton

Melodic Prog Rock at its best

Wow another great track by this excellent band, The Antique Harmoniums take a melody and dress it up in rhythmic guitars, haunting keys and a soaring lead guitar, they just get better and better This is high quality songwriting and musicianship.

United Kingdom, Belfast

...totally trippin'

The Antique Harmoniums brings us Lucy in the Sky With Desi... Now I have to wonder why a band this talented didn't pick a more original title for the song, especially a song this textural and dynamic. As for the song itself, once again the tracking and mixing are top notch and the stereo imaging techniques are a source for some interesting tips I may just have to employ myself. I think the only think that would have been nice to add would have been some harmonies or choral backup on some of the more dynamic points. Other than that, another fine example from this group.

United States, Texas, Houston

Just right

From what I can tell, this is a great sounding song. The vocals are very well done. Just the right touch of attitude and the artists' own flavor. She doesn't follow the typical sort of melodies which is refreshing. The music backing the vocals is very well done. Clean and easy to groove to. Not too loud or overpowering, it's exactly as it should be.

United States, New Mexico, Albuquerque

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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