Flag D
United States, Georgia, ATLANTA
Flag D
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Flag D

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About Flag D

I`m Flag D, a rapper coming out of ATL and born in Georgetown South Carolina. I'm an independent artist trying to reach my dream in life. When I started doing music in the 5th grade, people always told me that I couldn't rap and that I needed to stop rapping. I didn't stop and I used the criticism as motivation. I took my music seriously when I moved to Atlanta in the beginning of 10th grade. My goals are to become a rapper, go to college, open up a music label and a recording studio. I have Cerebral Palsy, a condition that affects my motor movements and I have experienced seizures since I was born. The doctor told my family that would never walk or talk and I'm grateful that I proved that doctor wrong. Ever since 2nd grade, I was removed from special education and put in general classes. All the hard work from going to doctors and therapists when I was younger turned my life around. I have to thank my mom because she has always been there for me since day one; taking me to all my appointments and being in the hospital with me when i was sick. I'm just so appreciative she has been in my life. Ever since I have been making my music, it`s been getting better. People who bullied me in the past are texting me saying, "I didn't know you could rap." I feel blessed that God gave me this talent and I`m going to improve as much as possible because I want to make family, friend & fans proud of my work.

Sometimes I cry sometimes because I just can`t believe I made it this far and I`m not going to stop. This is my opportunity that God gave me to prove everyone who doubted me wrong. Anybody can reach their dreams although people don`t believe in them. They should use that as motivation and continue achieving their dreams. I`m glad that I can reach people`s minds. I`m going to keep creating music until I have the fans, my music gets better, until I manage a career, and until I die. I want to rap, dance, act, and create a biography to star in one day about how my life was growing up. I want to let people know what I been through because I`ve been through a lot. I just want to show other youth they all can reach their dreams.

I love making my family proud and I love to improve my self. I want to go to Full Sails University to pursue music, and I want to be a (expired link). tech. I`m very good with technology; I`ve broken down computers before and rebuilt it. That`s one of my many gifts. That`s what my mom wants me to go to college for and start a career in. I choose to do both because there`s no limited on anything. I just can`t wait until I really get my name out there and have a lot of supporters because I promise I`m not going let any one down. I like to see people happy and like seeing myself improving.

Plays Today: 45

Total Plays: 13,496

Profile Views: 17,631

Subscribers: 500

Followers: 218

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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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