artist-eja (asia) band-net
Ireland, Dublin

About artist-eja (asia) band-net

Hello y'all. Hope you are fine. I am good, working away on my songs, and forming Net once more. I just had to refresh this page, to tell you how honoured and humble I feel to have you in my corner. In particular, I am blown away by the number of plays you have given me over the last week or so, I'm trying to get my head around it. Thank you so, so much. Although nothing is 100% certain yet, it looks like I have bass and drums, and that's exactly what I want. Yes, a power trio, like Rush, or The Police, or Cream, or The Jimi Hendrix Experience, or ZZ Top. But Net will be quite eclectic this time around, with an emphasis on danceability. We will be featuring new genres, like rap/rock, funk, reggae, and may even touch on jazz. The general direction will also be altered somewhat, but not changed totally. Alternative/Modern Rock will be the order of the day, but will still have that gutsy edge to it. Net will be doing what Rush did, mid-career, that is, bringing new influences to bear, but with rock as the template. To give you an idea, have a listen to "Hold Your Fire" by Rush, "Synchronicity" by The Police, and "Eliminator" by ZZ Top. Of course, we have a great number of influences, which will be evident along the way. Our heroes span right across rock and roll, and we intend to spring a few surprises, anything not to be predictable. Originals are in, plagiarism is out. What the music will be, is melodic, topical, experimental, eclectic, wrapped up in (sometimes) exotic chords, and, in time, complex time changes. I suppose you could say, we intend to squeeze in all we can, and drive each other on, so that the whole is bigger than the sum of the parts. We aim to please, and earn your attention. Our approach is that we must deliver the goods, music that inspires, and engages the body, heart, and mind. Emotional music, that talks of the underdog, the outsider, the marginalised. Also the positive, uptempo rockarama, punching the air and all that, what is good with the world. Just want to thank you once again, for supporting me in my endeavours, I don't know how I can repay you, except by continuing to make music that you can call your own. My pledge/mission is not to let you down. I have a body of work in the can, and I reckon it will blow you away. I hope so. It rocks, have no fear. Will write soon, Best, Eja xxx. ***Saturday, 13th April, 2024***-Hello! I'll be contacting you all on this page from now on. A little bit of news. I have a big hitter interested in my songs. I don't think anything is going to come of it, but you never know. Also, I hope to put up my debut album, "Net", for sale in a while. I hope you like my new song entries, I'll have brand new stuff up soon. Lotsa Love, Eja xxx.

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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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