United States, Louisiana, Neworleans

About Hdhooks
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My name is K. Allen known as HD Hooks ,I'm from New Orleans,I own my own label PELICAN STONERS ENT, LLc Iam a artist and also have artitst on my lable, named myself HD and many (expired link) also record my own music with my artist. Making music I always had a passion for doing it, When it comes to making music I become very creative in making songs, I know that I have a good number of song that is high quality song that people would enjoy. I also have songs on (SoundCloud, iTunes THQ and DATA The MIXTAPE). I also am about to drop Another mixtape called THE WORLD KICKBACK,contact information you reach me at my email at Kennerallen97@(expired link), Instagram at hd_hooks TWITTER @Kennerallen2 or FACEBOOK@kennerallen
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