Elisabeth Kitzing
Sweden, Rydsgård

About Elisabeth Kitzing
Hi! I'm an American born independent music creator living in Sweden. I make music for your soul from a Christian perspective. You see, I was born into a dysfunctional family with an alcoholic father and a sick mom and the trauma I received then took me to the precipice of despair. All the chaos around me made me cry out to God for help. When Jesus came into my life, I finally found hope. I was ten then - decades ago. God has helped me get back to who I really am and given me peace of mind by changing my mind through power verses. In 2020 I released a single, Midnight Lullaby and an album, Change My Mind. The following years I have releases singles in both English and Swedish in various genres. Now, in 2024 I am working on an album and a book, Change My Mind- a Journey From Stress to Rest. Follow me where you listen to music! Here is the link to all my music, music, videos and more: link. God bless and thank you for being a part of my music!
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Past Events

May 26
2:00 PM
All Ages
Galleri Fjellvang
Denmark, Copenhagen, Willemoesgade 60, København Ø