Welcome and Cheers!
The day finally upon us, always interesting when you take the leap to legitimately share your creations with the world. Legitimately in the sense you're asking people to pay for it...
The beauty of creativity is that it doesn't need to be legitimized by any other way other than the satisfaction of creating. If it connects with others thats even more gratifying and hopefully inspires us to create more.
With that,
For most of you its pretty obvious my range and attention span crosses over a lot of genres. But I've always been that way and embraced the fact I've never been pigeon holed into a "thing". Either you dig what I'm doing or not, and that's ok.
"Curve" is just the first stab and I look very forward to the next material I'll be sharing over the course of 2018 and beyond.
Again as a sincere show of appreciation a free download link to the album is attached below. Of course in addition to the required links to Spotify, Itunes, Google Play, Amazon.
Its been very cool to get this far together, onward and upward in 2018!
Featuring Current and Recent #1 Songs "Dreams of an Angel”, “Allegiances”, “Wish-Promises ft. Noel" (link)
Debut Album for #ARC, Composer/Producer of music and sound beds for tv and film. Placements include:
- "Parental Control": MTV Network
- "Bad Girls Club": OXYGEN Network
- "Keeping Up With the Kardashians": E!TV Network/Comcast
- “Road Rules – The Real World”: MTV Network
- "Living Lohan": E!TV Network/Comcast
- "MY SUPER SWEET 16": MTV Network
Find me on Spotify:
Album available for Pre-Order
Apple Music
Google Play/YouTube
Google Play
Artist Profile: https://www.numberonemusic.com/arc
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