About Zikyes
About Zikyes
Zacchaeus Malachi Jordan, Born (September 12, 2000) know amongst contemporaries and in the music world as "Zikyes". Growing up in the city of Pensacola, Florida Zacchaeus had a early fixation on music due to an upbringing in a musical, church going household. Zacchaeus started his music career at the age of 9years old droping a song called "Switching Lanes" under the name "Lil Z" in (2009).
Although the song was not a platinum or gold record it did encourage him and was a key factor in molding the young man you see today. From (2009) to (2017) Zacchaeus had been doing music and even going on to do the first of many shows to come at 15 years old and even attending multiple radio enterviews, You would probably say way to lay the ground work, But the rapper/entertainer Zikyes wasn't always loyal to his craft at the time. Like most young adults and teens he was battling with real life events, studies and this crazy thing adults call life and responsibility. Getting ready to enter real life after keeping afloat threw high school, Zacchaeus received his diploma in (2018) and also dropped a project called "Graduation The Ep". Sadly the next project wasn't called "College Boy" but he did go on to drop meaningful music full of soul about the everyday struggles of someone in his position, and life in general. Zikyes went on to win competitions with his catchy songs and swagger performances on stage. To even write theme songs for authors , dance teams,and even an ABA league basketball team. This young inspiring vocal musician has yet to reach his full potential and touch the lives of those who serch for inspration threw soulful music and honest song writers. But soon the world will know of Zacchaeus Jordan.
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Past Events
Dec 08
3:30 PM
All Ages
West Florida Tech High School
United States, Florida, Pensacola, 2400 LongLeaf Dr., 32526