Trevor Toews
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
N1M © 2003—2024
About Trevor Toews
Hi folks.
I love singing the songs that my Father God has given me, and I love to see people's lives change when they are prayed for, because He always answers our prayers. :)
Sometimes yes, sometimes no, and sometimes just not yet. ;) lol
I love to get out and meet as many of my brothers and sisters as I can (those whom I will be spending forever with in heaven) and praying for them in their mome
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Trevor Toews
Hi there folks. I love to encourage folks just like you with the encouraging words and songs that God has given me over the years. I create my background tracks with a computer software package that is quite impressive for now, and then sing along with my guitar. I love to get out and minister in song wherever the Lord opens a door for me to walk through. There is no people group I will not go to with these songs because God really does love us all. After all, He did create us in His image. ;) May the good Lord Jesus touch your heart in a way that brings a healthy and vigorous change to your life. When all else fails in your life, remember that He loves you. :) Love and blessings, Trev. :)
Trevor Toews
2 years ago
Hi again to all of you awesome folks.
Due to problems with N1M I haven't been active, but I am continually creating and publishing new songs on my website - (expired link) and on BandCamp.
I have been praying for all of you over this time; that Father God continues to draw to so very close to His heart and mind so that you can know and walk confidently in His will for your lives.
Please feel free to visit my site and check out my newest songs.
There are just shy of 280 songs uploaded on there.
Probably 240 are of those that the Lord has poured into my heart and mind that will hopefully encourage you
The others are from awesome artists/groups whose songs have blessed my heart and energize my walk with our lord.
Many blessings until we meet up again,
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
Good morning folks.
Thank you so much for stickin with me even though I have dropped to a basic membership.
Consequently, I can only have 3 songs up-loaded at a time, but my own website ((expired link)) has been experiencing a great amount of support from many of you. Thank you so much. :)
Well, even though this crazy covid thing is trying to bring chaos and disruption into our lives, I refuse to yield to the fear.
This is one of the places where the rubber meets the road as a Christian.
Either there is no fear in His presence, or we are living a lie, a philosophy, a belief.
In Jesus, there is NO FEAR!!! :)
As of about a month ago, we completed our basement renos from the floor level to the top of the walls. Yeee Haaaw.
All that is left to do is the ceiling.
On another musical note, I am still involved with the Concert in the Country jamboree that is usually held in Millet, Alberta each year.
Because of this pesky covid virus, and the inability to hold the live concert this year, we believe that the Lord has directed us to create and host an on-line concert.
We have invited a number of wonderful artists/groups (much like yourselves) to send a number of song videos that we will be sharing with folks on Facebook (Millet Gospel Concert) during the August 7-9 weekend.
If you would like to hop on board with us, simply send me an email at tptoews@(expired link) stating your intention to join us, and I will send you a direct file request from our Dropbox site.
This is going to be so much fun, and hopefully folks hearts will be touched so much so that they will give their lives to Jesus Christ.
I have a few new songs that I have written, but I have to get my computer repaired because some unethical hacker has sabotaged it somehow; the nerve. May the Lord deal firmly with him/her.
Oh well. The Lord continues to be good. I have work. Everybody in the family is healthy.
Most of all, I am continually thankful for the blood of Jesus that has cleansed me of my sins and made me whole.
If you do not know Jesus as your Saviour, you can today.
I know that you can sense Him knocking on the door of your heart.
Very soon, the rapture event that theBible talks about will take place, and I will not be here any more.
I will be in heaven, but I want you to be there as well.
All you have to do is acknowledge to God that you are a sinner, ask Him to forgive you, and then ask Jesus to come into your heart to be your Saviour AND Lord.
May the Lord continue to bless and guide you till next time we meet,
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
Good morning to one and all.
I consider it an honour to have had all 2669, and counting, of you amazing folks throw your support my way over these past 2 years. What ride this has been. :)
With around 26,610,000 hits on my songs, and 33,285,000 visits to my site to see what I've been up to, I am in awe at what almighty God can do with a little old country boy stuck in the city. ;) LOL
I do have many of my songs on ReverbNation as we speak, but all of my songs are available on my own site - (expired link) - to listen to and/or download for free.
I would consider it a double honour if each of you would join me on my continued journey at either or both of the above sites.
True to form, The renos are still an on-going endeavour, but the walls are still up, and all of the primer has been applied lovingly. lol
As has happened to pretty much all of the other artists, all of my other immediate events have been cancelled, but there has been no word on the concerts coming up this summer.
So far, I am still slated to perform at the Concert in the Country Jamboree in Millet, Ab. on August 7-9.
I am slo slated to perform at the Yellowhead Gospel Jamboree in Kitscoty, Ab. on August 22.
Regarding this pesky little virus going on right now, I have heard it from those close to the prophetic community that this thing will be nipped by the end of April. May it be so Lord.
I have been praying that all of you have not been negatively affected by the after-shock of this virus.
I ask Father God to heal any/all of you in Jesus' mighty and holy name if you have contracted this bug.
I also pray that you would be blessed financially during these time of world wide hardship.
I don't profess to know exactly for what purpose this outbreak has come about, but I do know that this is a time and an opportunity for all people everywhere to return to God with all of their hearts.
I was awakened the other morning with a most pressing impression that the Lord's return is so very imminent. An illustration was given to me in the form of building a house.
All of the structural work had been done, the framing had been done, and all of the "skin" had been applied.
The only things left to be done were the cosmetic, if you will. The finishing pieces were left to be done.
Just what this represents in our own lives I can only guess; like the rest of you would.
All I know is that there is not much time at all left for what ever the Lord has been prompting you to do or to be.
Verses like Ecclesiastes 9:10; Colossians 3:23 and Matthew 12:36 come to mind.
May the Lord guide each of us in our thoughts and deeds in these few fleeting days to come in our lives.
Oh, I don't know if you would be interested, but we have a site on Facebook for our Cowboy Church.
It is called Cowboy Church at the Gate in Edmonton.
Please drop on by and like it and share it if you have a heart to do so. ;) That would be much appreciated. :)
Like any other group that gathers regularly, we have temporarily stopped meeting as well until this thing is over.
I must say that it is not because we are afraid of this bug. It is only to be obedient to the requirements of Alberta Health.
Psalm 91 says that none of these nasty bugs or any kind of plague will affect us negatively. That is a promise for Father God.
If you also consider that Jesus never contracted leprosy when He was close to them; in fact, He healed them ALL.
So if you are a believer and follower of Jesus, there is a mandate for us to walk in that we find in John 14:12; greater works than what Jesus performed
Let's get at 'em. ;) lol
However, if you have any prayer requests, please feel free to send me a personal message and we will lift you and your concern(s) up to Father God to have something done about it.
I have just learned enough about video up-loads to be dangerous, lol, so watch for the latest up-dates.
I will also be doing some of my songs on their as well as the days roll on by that will hopefully minister faith and encouragement to everybody out there.
Once again folks, thank yo so very much for your support, but most of all I thank you for each and every choice that you have made to grow closer to and walk closer with the Lord Jesus.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
Good morning to one and all.
I consider it an honour to have had all 2669, and counting, of you amazing folks throw your support my way over these past 2 years. What ride this has been. :)
With around 26,610,000 hits on my songs, and 33,285,000 visits to my site to see what I've been up to, I am in awe at what almighty God can do with a little old country boy stuck in the city. ;) LOL
I do have many of my songs on ReverbNation as we speak, but all of my songs are available on my own site - (expired link) to listen to and/or download for free.
I would consider it a double honour if each of you would join me on my continued journey at either or both of the above sites.
True to form, The renos are still an on-going endeavour, but the walls are still up, and all of the primer has been applied lovingly. lol
As has happened to pretty much all of the other artists, all of my other immediate events have been cancelled, but there has been no word on the concerts coming up this summer.
So far, I am still slated to perform at the Concert in the Country Jamboree in Millet, Ab. on August 7-9.
I am slo slated to perform at the Yellowhead Gospel Jamboree in Kitscoty, Ab. on August 22.
Regarding this pesky little virus going on right now, I have heard it from those close to the prophetic community that this thing will be nipped by the end of April. May it be so Lord.
I have been praying that all of you have not been negatively affected by the after-shock of this virus.
I ask Father God to heal any/all of you in Jesus' mighty and holy name if you have contracted this bug.
I also pray that you would be blessed financially during these time of world wide hardship.
I don't profess to know exactly for what purpose this outbreak has come about, but I do know that this is a time and an opportunity for all people everywhere to return to God with all of their hearts.
I was awakened the other morning with a most pressing impression that the Lord's return is so very imminent. An illustration was given to me in the form of building a house.
All of the structural work had been done, the framing had been done, and all of the "skin" had been applied.
The only things left to be done were the cosmetic, if you will. The finishing pieces were left to be done.
Just what this represents in our own lives I can only guess; like the rest of you would.
All I know is that there is not much time at all left for what ever the Lord has been prompting you to do or to be.
Verses like Ecclesiastes 9:10; Colossians 3:23 and Matthew 12:36 come to mind.
May the Lord guide each of us in our thoughts and deeds in these few fleeting days to come in our lives.
Oh, I don't know if you would be interested, but we have a site on Facebook for our Cowboy Church.
It is called Cowboy Church at the Gate in Edmonton.
Please drop on by and like it and share it if you have a heart to do so. ;) That would be much appreciated. :)
Like any other group that gathers regularly, we have temporarily stopped meeting as well until this thing is over.
I must say that it is not because we are afraid of this bug. It is only to be obedient to the requirements of Alberta Health.
Psalm 91 says that none of these nasty bugs or any kind of plague will affect us negatively. That is a promise for Father God.
If you also consider that Jesus never contracted leprosy when He was close to them; in fact, He healed them ALL.
So if you are a believer and follower of Jesus, there is a mandate for us to walk in that we find in John 14:12; greater works than what Jesus performed
Let's get at 'em. ;) lol
However, if you have any prayer requests, please feel free to send me a personal message and we will lift you and your concern(s) up to Father God to have something done about it.
I have just learned enough about video up-loads to be dangerous, lol, so watch for the latest up-dates.
I will also be doing some of my songs on their as well as the days roll on by that will hopefully minister faith and encouragement to everybody out there.
Once again folks, thank yo so very much for your support, but most of all I thank you for each and every choice that you have made to grow closer to and walk closer with the Lord Jesus.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
Hi folks.
This will likely be the last message that I will be able to send out to all 2627 of you awesome friends of mine.
I have been totally amazed at how much support you have given to me over these past 2 years.
I am leaving N1M because of the nasty treatment that the folks at N1M have been dealing to many of the other artists here whom I have come to deeply appreciate as fellow artists and friends.
If you would still like to listen to my songs, you can find them on my own website - (expired link) .
You can also download my songs for free if you would like to.
I hope that you can decide to visit my site and sign up as a subscriber.
If you do, then I will be able to send out e-shouts such as I have done here.
Regarding ours renos, all of the dry-wall is up, and my wife and I just finished painting all of the walls with primer.
The Cowboy Church is doing very well, with around 25 wonderful folks showing up each time we gather.
According to Psalms 96:10, we are also not going to pay much paranoid attention to the corona virus thing.
Sure, we will be taking the responsible steps, but we will not yield to the fear surrounding this condition and shut down our gatherings. Either the Lord will take care of us, or we will go home to be with Him.
One thing is for sure; none of us will get out of this life alive. ;) lol
You can keep up with the happenings of our Cowboy Church at our Facebook site - Cowboy Church at the Gate - in Edmonton, Alberta.
The Hebrews were protected by God when the plagues were released upon the residents of (expired link). Egypt.
At many times through-out history, there have been serious events that have given folks a serious reason to return to churches, where they seriously consider their relationship - or lack thereof - with God.
This is what I see happening here, and all around the world right now.
I believe that this is a great opportunity for folks in the church to reach out to those either in fear of, or affected by, this virus thing.
I trust that you have made a serious commitment in giving your life to Jesus.
If not, please take this opportunity to give the rest of your life to Jesus.
If you are born-again, please take this opportunity to dig deeply into God's Word - the Bible - and grow in His grace, love, and mercies on a daily basis.
I pray that you will be able to resist the fear that accompanies this condition, and any other fears that you face in your lives.
May the Lord continue to bless and guide all of you further along on your journey through this life.
Again, thank you so much for all of your heart-felt support for my songs.
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
Hi again to all 2580 of you awesome folks.
Just a short note today.
I continue to kneel in awe before the Lord over the support you folks have thrown into my corner.
My creative time is still being "hi-jacked" by the on-going renos; which are movin along well.
All of the dry-wall id up, the taping/mudding is done in the basement, and I have two walls primed so far.
With work, the Cowboy Church (Cowboy Church at the Gate in Facebook), and various other necessary meetings asking for portions of my time, LIFE IS FULL. :) lol
God has been faithful as we gather at the Cowboy Church on the 1st & 3rd Sunday nights of each month.
The Lord seems to bringing more visitors, who have said that they will return, each time who bring their own flavour and spiciness; both in music and food. ;)
I am reminded of Acts 2:47, where the Lord added to the early church daily, or ever time that they met to praise Him.
We had 24 folks out at our gathering last Sunday night.
I would definitely love to get more involved with other aspects of the ministry, but we are only allotted a certain amount of time each day. It seems that only the Lord can free me from having to work for a living so as to be able to do the things that are in my heart to do.
For now, I will have to be satisfied to pick a little here and pick a little there. ;)
I continue to consider whether I should remain with N1M because of the way that they are treating my fellow artists.
Please pray that the Lord would direct us all.
My personal website is (expired link) , and my email is tptoews@(expired link) .
As I have received a recommendation here, and an e-mail of encouragement from some of you there, I trust that the Lord has been answering my prayers for you that you would all prosper in so many ways just as your souls prospers. (3 John 2)
Well, it's time for me to head off to yet another meeting with our resident cowboy preacher, and what a preacher he is. :)
May the Lord so richly bless you that you have no choice but to spill out into the lives of others whom you meet each day. May the joy of the Lord make you dangerous to the enemy. lol
Keep praising Jesus,
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
A hearty greeting to all 2509 of my crazy, wonderful, and much much loved subscribers; new and "older." ;) LOL
Well, as you can see, we have crossed the peak of the 2500 mark.; not that I am counting. ;)
Thank you so much for jumping on board, and staying on this crazy ride with me.
I have had many requests from many of you to purchase my songs, but no purchases so far.
Believe me when I say that I am not disappointed in anybody, or discouraged by this.
While I was spending some precious moments with the Lord last week, He gently reminded me that He never charged me for so graciously giving these songs to me, so why should I be charging for them - duh. LOL
For this reason, I have decided to allow all anybody to down-load any number of my songs for free.
That's right. All you have to do is to click on the "buy" button of the song you would like to down-load, on my N1M site, or go to my personal music site ((expired link)) and click the "buy" option button there, and down-load the song(s).
The only thing you will have to do is leave your email with me, and then it will happen. :)
There is only one thing that I would ask you to prayerfully consider.
In this day of internet, etc. there is such a thing as e-transfer. I have found it to be trust-worthy and safe.
Only if you you can afford it, and IF THE LORD MOVES ON YOUR HEART to do so, you could send an e-transfer to me via my email address, which is tptoews@(expired link).
Other than that, I just want to see your hearts and lives blessed beyond human measure.
If my songs can be used do that, I would definitely love to be a part of what the Lord is doing in your life. :)
On the reno side of life, they are still moving along OK.
Pretty much all of the dry wall is up, and we are still looking for a taper/mudder to get that part done.
On the tour section of life, I have been invited to be a part of the Concert in the Country jamboree again this coming summer, but if you wouldn't mind, we would appreciate your prayers.
The folks in charge of the Millet arena, that the jamboree is held in, are going to be tearing up the floor to replace the leaking pipes for the ice refrigeration process. We don't know if it will be available for this year's event (Aug. 7 - 9)
I have also been invited to be a part of the Yellowhead Gospel Jamboree this summer (Aug. 22, 23)
The Lord is definitely causing this "thing" to grow in a slow sustainable rate; for this I am grateful. I don't do "fast" well. LOL
The Cowboy Church at the Gate (on Facebook) has been doing well.
There have been healings taking place and words from the Lord that folks are starting to feel safe enough to deliver to us, and they are so encouraging. The Lord even healed our cat of a scary condition last week. :0 :)
If any of you happen to live in the Edmonton area, you would be very much welcome to come on out and hang your hat for a spell while the Lord ministers life to you.
I am also announcing my intentions to leave N1M, and focus my attention & $ on my main music site ((expired link))
I have heard many stories that many others have experienced with N1M.
That, combined with my own experiences with them that surpass what I have read from others, has led me to make a decision.
In the near future, I will be removing all of my songs from my N1M site, and cancelling my subscription with them.
As much as I have come to treasure the dear friendships that the Lord has granted me with all of you precious "real" folks out there, I would hope that you will follow me to my above mentioned site, and maybe even send me an email (tptoews@(expired link)) so that we can continue our encouraging and much appreciated friendship on a regular basis. :)
You will still be able to listen to my songs, and even download my songs for free; as I mention above.
See y'all in a couple of weeks.
May the good Lord continue to bless, guide, and provide until then,
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
A hearty greeting to all 2509 of my crazy, wonderful, and much much loved subscribers; new and "older." ;) LOL
Well, as you can see, we have crossed the peak of the 2500 mark.; not that I am counting. ;)
Thank you so much for jumping on board, and staying on this crazy ride with me.
I have had many requests from many of you to purchase my songs, but no purchases so far.
Believe me when I say that I am not disappointed in anybody, or discouraged by this.
While I was spending some precious moments with the Lord last week, He gently reminded me that He never charged me for so graciously giving these songs to me, so why should I be charging for them - duh. LOL
For this reason, I have decided to allow all anybody to down-load any number of my songs for free.
That's right. All you have to do is to click on the "buy" button of the song you would like to down-load, on my N1M site, or go to my personal music site ((expired link)) and click the "buy" option button there, and down-load the song(s).
The only thing you will have to do is leave your email with me, and then it will happen. :)
There is only one thing that I would ask you to prayerfully consider.
In this day of internet, etc. there is such a thing as e-transfer. I have found it to be trust-worthy and safe.
Only if you you can afford it, and IF THE LORD MOVES ON YOUR HEART to do so, you could send an e-transfer to me via my email address, which is tptoews@(expired link).
Other than that, I just want to see your hearts and lives blessed beyond human measure.
If my songs can be used do that, I would definitely love to be a part of what the Lord is doing in your life. :)
On the reno side of life, they are still moving along OK.
Pretty much all of the dry wall is up, and we are still looking for a taper/mudder to get that part done.
On the tour section of life, I have been invited to be a part of the Concert in the Country jamboree again this coming summer, but if you wouldn't mind, we would appreciate your prayers.
The folks in charge of the Millet arena, that the jamboree is held in, are going to be tearing up the floor to replace the leaking pipes for the ice refrigeration process. We don't know if it will be available for this year's event (Aug. 7 - 9)
I have also been invited to be a part of the Yellowhead Gospel Jamboree this summer (Aug. 22, 23)
The Lord is definitely causing this "thing" to grow in a slow sustainable rate; for this I am grateful. I don't do "fast" well. LOL
The Cowboy Church at the Gate (on Facebook) has been doing well.
There have been healings taking place and words from the Lord that folks are starting to feel safe enough to deliver to us, and they are so encouraging. The Lord even healed our cat of a scary condition last week. :0 :)
If any of you happen to live in the Edmonton area, you would be very much welcome to come on out and hang your hat for a spell while the Lord ministers life to you.
I am also announcing my intentions to leave N1M, and focus my attention & $ on my main music site ((expired link))
I have heard many stories that many others have experienced with N1M.
That, combined with my own experiences with them that surpass what I have read from others, has led me to make a decision.
In the near future, I will be removing all of my songs from my N1M site, and cancelling my subscription with them.
As much as I have come to treasure the dear friendships that the Lord has granted me with all of you precious "real" folks out there, I would hope that you will follow me to my above mentioned site, and maybe even send me an email (tptoews@(expired link)) so that we can continue our encouraging and much appreciated friendship on a regular basis. :)
You will still be able to listen to my songs, and even download my songs for free; as I mention above.
See y'all in a couple of weeks.
May the good Lord continue to bless, guide, and provide until then,
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
Here's a UGE shout-out to all 2471 of you awesome folks.
Thank you for all of the "old dogs" who have hung in there with me, and a hearty warm welcome to you young 'ns. :) lol
I trust that you had a very Merry Christmas with family and friends.
I also pray that 2020 will be a year that is absolutely FULL of God's richest blessings and favour to you and yours. :)
Here is my attempted itinerary for 2020:
Finish these cotton pickin renovations so that I can get back to makin more music; hopefully around March. ;)
Knowing me though, I might be able to sqeak a new one in from time to time when my sweet heart is pre-occupied. lol
Shovel the side walks and drive way, again and again until March/April. lol
I would like to find some places to sing these songs.
If you can throw me an invite, I would appreciate it very much. ;)
As far as where we are with the renos, almost all of the dry wall is up, and I have to dig up a small portion of the floor to relocate the shower drain.
As soon as I get the above completed, I can then get a mudder to come in and finish off the dry wall.
I know I could do it . . . . but I want to get it done before 2022. ;) LOL
I definitely appreciate all of your support, prayers, and comments that you have sent to me from time to time.
You need to know that you are so loved by Father God; so much more than I could ever muster.
Please keep in touch, and let me know if there is anything I can pray for you for.
At our "Cowboy Church at the Gate," (which is also on Facebook) we have been experiencing people's lives being affected directly by God Himself as we pray for them; hearts being warmed again and drawn back to Him, and physical healings are starting trickle in too.
It is an exciting time I'll tell ya. ;)
Speaking of healings, I am so busy praying for others that I forget to ask for myself.
If any f you have the heart, mind, and leading of Father God to do so, my back is in need of a healing touch as well. ;)
Well, once again I thank all of you for your love and interest in my life and music.
May the good Lord continue to bless and guide you further along in your lives until we meet/meet again.
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
Good morning and blessings to all 2418 of you awesome folks.
What great timing for this e-shout, with Christmas coming so soon. <):)
I pray that all of you will have a most blessed Christmas, and that your 2020 will be so full of Father God that your lives will be changed and filled in tremendously good ways.
I am continually blessed and thankful to know that all of you have continued on this journey with me.
In God's Word, we are assured that those who support those who do ministry (prophets, preachers, etc., etc., and maybe even gospel singers) ;) lol, will share in the rewards, so you are in a good position to receive some awesome rewards.
I am so thankful for all of your prayers as you have asked the Father to help and guide me in this endeavour.
I am trusting that all of you will be wonderfully blessed, both here and in heaven, for your heart-felt support and encouragement.
On the renos front, they are still mobile, and heading in the right direction.
They won't be done for Christmas, but I am thinking that Easter will be the finish line. ;)
On the Cowboy Church at the Gate front, we had a most blessed time last night.
There were 27ish of us who showed up.
I say ish because God showed up as well. lol What a rush.
His presence was so thick and awesome.
ALL of the folks stated afterwards that they were still floating on a heavenly cloud.
There is also a new phenomena developing.
I do not have a very good memory, so I rely on songs having to be loaded up in my iPad so that I can lead them in the songs that they want to sing during the jam time near the end of our gatherings.
I do, however, have the ability to remember the melodies of the older gospel songs.
There are always folks who have a photographic memory in our midst.
I constantly fight the urge to be envious. ;) lol
Last night, there was a dear saint who was kind enough to yell out each line as we needed it.
What an amazing experience, but I think that was an experienced example of I Corinthian 14:26 being "fleshed out" in ways that we may not have yet fully explored as we gather in the name of Jesus.
WOW is about all I had the ability to think or say after the night was over.
I have a H-U-G-E vision of what the Lord wants to do in our midst that covers everything form the folks/talent/instruments that I would like to have as a part of our worship team.
I am continually thankful for the the support of infrastructure and prayers that the pastors at the Gateway Alliance Church have extended to help me realize this ministry vision.
I do not know exactly where this thing is going, but what a ride this has been and is going to be.
I have folks in the group beginning to express about where/how we could/should go to minister.
It is so empowering when you see others begin to buy in to a godly vision.
Stick around for the "rest of the story" as Paul Harvey would have said. ;)
As I mentioned at the first, may you experience the blessings of a very Merry Christmas & and a Happy New Year,
Trev <):)
Trevor Toews
4 years ago
Good morning to all 2375 of you awesome folks.
Well, snow has come, Christmas decorations are growing by the week in our neighbourhood, and the fabled renos at our house are finally becoming reality. This must be the advent of Christmas. LOL ;)
Pretty much all of the drywall is up now, and the plumbing in the washroom is being worked on now.
We still have to box about half of the HVAC venting.
It is truly a blessing to be this far.
The fella who we hired to help us out, Chester Wota, is truly a blessing to us, and has been used by the Lord to motivate and encourage me further along on this portion of our journey.
He is a true handyman. His wife, Shelley Wota, is an amazing writer.
She has just released a book fresh off the printer called "Murder at the Manor;" a very compelling murder mystery. ;)
I pray and trust that the Spirit of the living God is proceeding with some "inner renos" of your hearts and lives as we are quickly approaching Christmas this year.
God is always interested in renovating our souls, any time of the year, and I do believe that He capitalizes on the heightened awareness of His Son Jesus as we travel through this season each year.
The only thing that puts these renos on hold is our busy-ness, lack of interest, or a hurt that was introduced into our lives by somebody claiming to be representing Him in our past.
If any of these things seem to have put your life-giving and wonderful inner renos on hold, please take the time to read any and many portions of the Bible through-out the year and then sit alone with God; asking Him to make Himself real to you and tell Him that He is welcome to go ahead at the pace that is right for you. ;)
As I have gone through this process on many ocassion, I can say that you will likely feel somewhat fearful about what lies ahead, but I can assure you that you have nothing to fear.
After all of the inner renos that He has performed in my life, I can say in retrospect that there is nothing to fear and everything to anticipate at each stage of your growth. :)
He is an awesome God who loves you so very much; so much that He sent Jesus to earth to take the punishment for your/my sins.
As I mentioned in my previous e-shout, I have chosen to put a hold on the writing of any new songs, and perform maintenance on my music site until the renos have been completed; the "outside renos." LOL
Besides, this new Cowboy Church (Cowboy Church at the Gate on Facebook) has taken up a bit more time in the preparations of the music, preparing and delivering messages, or finding some more experienced folks to bring a great Word to us at our gatherings.
We have had a fella by the name of Dan Knol bring the Word a couple of times now; he seems to be a great fit. :)
He has a great heart for Jesus, and the blessing of the believer.
If there was any kind of handle to put on our gathering, it would have to be that of an (expired link). foundation with a distinct country flare.
I do promise to take a picture of one our next couple of gatherings that will have some of the Christmas trinkets and garnishes included with the other country props.
We have a great bunch of folks who have decided to show up on our regularly scheduled gatherings (1st & 3rd Sunday evenings of each month).
There are about 20 - 25 of us for now who have decided to call this our home away from home, but I have received prophecies that this little old Cowboy Church will be used of the Lord to heal many many hearts.
I think I can say that so far this is happening. Praise God for His tender mercies and grace that are new every morning. :)
We have a great time singing the old hymns of the faith, choruses of the 70's and 80's, and a whole stew pot of the songs of faith by the legends such as Hank Williams, Marty Robbins, etc. during the "jam session" at the end of each gathering.
Of course, everybody thoroughly enjoys the first half hour of snacks and fellowship before we get busy on snackin for the inner man and fellowshippin with the Lord Himself. ;)
If you are ever out our way, please feel free to drop by and, as an old African saying goes, bring some of your own fire to add with that of the others.
May the Lord continue to bless, keep, and guide all of you in the richness of His ways.
If any of my songs can be responsible for elevating and making clear His call on your lives, and warming your hearts, then I will be a blessed and happy camper. ;)
Lord willing and the creeks don't rise, and the rapture doesn't happen, see you in approximately 2 weeks.
Love and blessings,
Trev <):)
N1M © 2003—2024
About Trevor Toews
Hi folks.
I love singing the songs that my Father God has given me, and I love to see people's lives change when they are prayed for, because He always answers our prayers. :)
Sometimes yes, sometimes no, and sometimes just not yet. ;) lol
I love to get out and meet as many of my brothers and sisters as I can (those whom I will be spending forever with in heaven) and praying for them in their moment of need.
My songs range from country gospel, worship, to clean country.
I love the kind of country songs where you don't have to play the record backwards to get your wife back, your dog back, etc., etc. lol
I was born in Saskatchewan and raised in Manitoba.
Presently, I work as a Heavy Duty mechanic in Edmonton, Ab., Canada.
I don't get out as often as I would like to minister with my songs.
Only the Lord knows when this will change, but "Until Then", I will continue to share what the good Lord has given me to bless and encourage you, and keep on praising Him for the awesome things He has done in my life and those of my family and friends over the years.
I have also been blessed to have started up a Cowboy Church in Edmonton, Alberta,, Canada. It is proving to be a hand full but it is so much fun, and so rewarding, to see folks connect/re-connect with God.
I bless you in Jesus' name.
Trev <):)
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Past Events
Jun 17
11:00 AM
All Ages
Northwest Pentecostal Church
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, 9949 169 Ave NW, T5X 5A7
Aug 10
6:30 PM
All Ages
Concert in the Country
Canada, Alberta, Millet, Box 38 Millet, AB , T0C 1Z0
Aug 10
2:00 PM
All Ages
Concert in the Country
Canada, Alberta, Millet, 5290 45 Ave, Millet, AB T, T0C1Z0
Sep 11
12:30 PM
All Ages
Trevor Toews
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, 13208 95 St, Edmonton, AB , T5E 3Y4
Oct 06
7:00 PM
All Ages
Cowboy Church at the Gate
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, 13931 - 140 St., T6V 1J7
Aug 08
12:00 PM
All Ages
Concert in the Country On-line Facebook
Canada, Alberta, Edmonton,
Busking in Jasper 2015
Greg & Myself
Kyle, Alex, & I
Pat and I - Ft Edmonton 2016 - Song
Pyramid Mountain (youtube)
Screenshot (1)
Be At Peace Album Cover-600
Be Encouraged Album Cover
Trevor's Country CD Cover
I'm Pickin My Bible CD Cover
On Stage - 1
Characature at Timmy's
Jasper Sketch
Squirrel on Arm Sketch
Jesus Laughing
Pyramid Mountain
Trevor's Christmas Album Cover
He Will Take You As You Are (Album)
Hymns For Your Journey Home
Pyramid Mountain(2)
Railway Tracks
Pyramid Mountain
Worship at His Throne
Trev_Boston Jersey_2019
Christian Cowboy Logo copy