Belgium, Ghent

About spiceypete

My artist bio.
I was born in 1974, as the son of teachers. My father was a professor in law at the Ghent University and my mother was a teacher in history of art. Before I got to be 10 I was an only child and I traveled a lot with my parents. When I was 10 years old my parents adopted a foreign boy because they always wanted 2 kids and because my mum had had uterus cancer. It was about then that I studied a year of solfège, though I flushed. I also had some experience acting thanks to the fact that my aunt was a famous actress in Belgium. When I was 15 I started to play the folk guitar. It was my father, who had a guitar, who taught me my first chords. At that time I often lent my parents' records and listened to those a huge lot. I was mainly struck by Woodstock-artists, the blues, and became a gigantic Hendrix fan... At the age of 16 my father bought me my first electric guitar, which is still in my possession right now: A Fender Strat Japan. When I was 18 my parents divorced due to problems in the family, like managing my adoptive brother who quite recently died: He had spent most of his short adult life dealing drugs... After having learnt the blues basics on guitar, I started playing in a band with a Dutch name called " Wablief". We only did one gig. At the meantime I was a student on Germanic languages at the Ghent University. But I quit because I wanted to do something with music. Unfortunately I experimented with some drugs at that time, I had great musical ideas but, as it often goes, eventually had to be admitted to psychiatry. Though it was at the social-cultural center of the mental hospital I started playing in a coverband called " De Meanderthalers" ( The Meanderthals) which created new perspectives on my career as a musician. We did about 6 or 7 gigs. After being collocated for four months, due to the fact that I had quit my medication, I had swore not to be admitted ever again. So, from then on I took a tiny bit of medication which I do still, but lead a quite normal life as a law-abyding citizen. The third band, called " Spicey Pete & The Tomatoes", which I started at the age of 27 was my most succesful band so far. We did 5 gigs and created some sort of single called " Psychoman". I'm 46 now, but after all this time I keep performing, 'cause I believe my songs are well-found and I just KNOW I'm able to create a magnificent record... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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