Running Through The Park

When I think of running through the park and hearing children laugh and play, it makes me smile - it makes my day....
I try to notice others and what they might be going through, and that might be someone else, or it might be you....
I wish you the best even on cloudy days when the sun hides its rays, I wish you quiet in the storm, peace from Him that floods the forlorn, hope in your heart when you think on His promise:
"Eye has not seen, nor has the ear heard, nor has the heart imagined, what God has prepared for them who love him...." (I Corinthians 2:9)
"He will wipe away your tears...and afterwards meet you in glory...." (Psalm 73:23-24; Jude 24-25; Revelation 21:4)
Take care my friends, and try to focus on the wonderful things God has planned for everyone who follows Jesus and waits for His appearing....