Randy Stahla
7 months ago

Superbowl Win

The greatest Superbowl win in history was when the ultimate powers of darkness and all their armies came against one Man to defeat Him and destroy Him - Jesus Christ. In the end, He made fools of them all and took all their weapons away (which are used against us). The biggest weapon is death. "Whoever believes in Me shall never die." (John chapter 11). Another weapon in their arsenal is accusing us of what we have done wrong. "He took the list of accusations against us and nailed it to His cross." (Colossians chapters 1 & 2). "There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (& His Kingdom). Romans chapter 8. God will forgive you and adopt you into His forever family! And He will not remember the things you have done wrong anymore! That is the basis of a new song I wrote & put up on N1M for you to listen to. Here are the words: Claim His Power Sing to the Lord a new song For He has done wonderful things His right hand and His holy arm Have gained Him the victory! (Repeat) He delivered us from the rulers of darkness And made us heirs of His kingdom He has cancelled out all decrees against us And paid for our debts on the cross! We can claim His power and His victory And bring the truth of God against the enemy We can claim His power and His victory And bring the truth of God against the foe And bring the truth of God against the foe He disarmed the powers of darkness And made an open shame of them all They are subject to us as we pray against them In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ We can claim His power and His victory And bring the truth of God against the enemy We can claim His power and His victory And bring the truth of God against the foe And bring the truth of God against the foe Sing to the Lord a new song - for He has done wonderful things! His right hand and His holy arm Have gained Him the victory! (Repeat) His right hand and His holy arm Have gained Him the victory! We have the victory! (Repeat 3 more times) Words & music by Randy Stahla; based on Colossians chapters 1 & 2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are in despair over your life, possibly even on the verge of taking your own life, realize that you are a Superbowl winner! Jesus Christ wants to give you a Superbowl ring & the right to become a member of His Kingdom! All you have to do is believe what He is saying to you, and accept the ring!

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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