Randy Caserta
1 year ago

New tune is up!

Hey everyone, New tune is up as promised and, quite possibly the last. Sorry for the delay, and hope you all are having a great day or evening wherever you are. Thanks again for your support over the years, enjoy and be good to, and forgive one another regardless of whatever it may be. Bitterness/unforgiveness is a HORRIBLE prison to go through life in. If you're struggling with this Jesus to free you from it, and most important get right with him. IF YOU'RE SINCERE he will hear, and reveal to you just how real he is. He wishes none to perish but to come to repentance, and not do, or go back to the bad stuff we did, took part in, or of which are sins of all kinds,regardless of how much or little prior. Once you've done this, MAINTAIN you're relationship with him every day in prayer and in truth, and read his word daily, and spend at least an hour a day alone with him. If you do these things WITH ALL SINCERITY he will meet right where you're are. Believe in, trust and seek him daily. When you screw up, confess whatever it may be and ask him to forgive you and remember it no more sincerely, and he will. But you have to been seeking him sincerely, or have already gotten right with him. Don't put anyone including family, or anything above the one who created us all and all things both seen, and unseen. Don't chase after, love, or worship people, money or anything. To do so is placing these things above him and he will not ignore. And lastly, remember this, none of us our promised tomorrow. If you leave this earth and have not gotten right with him when you do, it will be too late and will find yourself in hell, as countless people have described it from all over the world, and couldn't possibly have known, or know each other. Again, not what you'd expect to hear considering the music I mostly like and write, but is every bit true as I have learned these things to be true myself. It only takes one time where Jesus visits you, and the things that take place during and after from then on is when you'll find out for yourselves that he is, and again as countless others have described, and in the bible that same Jesus, (God in the flesh) Again I say these things in love to you all, and from my personal experiences with him, along with the rest of us who found out and know just how real he is, and his love for all mankind, who he created. Here's a verse to consider. " Before the foundations of the world were laid, and I formed you in your mothers womb, I knew you" - Jesus

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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