Nocturnal Solitude
United States, Washington, Auburn

About Nocturnal Solitude

Nocturnal Solitude was formed and founded on September 23 of 2007 by Tomas Hrafnasen. With love for Gothic / Funeral / Death Doom never ceasing, he still wanted pursue his musical attributes. In 1996, the formation of a Goth Rock band called Eternal Rest, was created. Things went down hill and went sour fast. Quite a few members had been kicked out for drug use. Quitting seemed to be the right thing to do, but at the same time he wanted to find people who were and are reliable. The search was hopeless. Then in 2007 is when the idea arose of doing music solo came to mind, but had no idea how to go about doing it.

He acquired some help from a few musician and band friends on Myspace and with the right equipment, is what started the Dark Ambient, Gothic, Funeral, Death Doom project...Nocturnal Solitude. There's a combination of everything. Ranging from pain and suffering, a lost soul trying to find himself, murder, suicide, the heart ache that one goes through, the love for the darkness that We all let envelope us from time to time, if not all the time, and torment that come from his feelings and experiences. Which makes this new breed of Gothic / Melodic / Funeral / Death Doom......music.

His influences include; Goth and Doom genres, death, walking among shadows, the mysterious wonders of the darkness, cemeteries, life and the oddities within this forsaken world.

After the first album, 'Sorrow In The Dark', which was released April 17, 2008, a break had to be taken due to complications of living and funds within the life at that time. Then, like the black plague, (expired link) comes full force in the year 2015, making 9 albums within the year starting with the second album on March 4, 2015 called 'The Crimson Redemption'. Now the Artist continues to make music.....darker, in your face, sending chills down the spine of the faint of heart and the weak minded. Delivering invocations of torment from past, present and future experiences.

Still to this day, when asked to describe the sound of Nocturnal Solitude, some have said it is darkness reincarnating itself all over again with the intent of casting a Harbinger of Doom and unleashing hell upon those who are ill-minded, narrow-minded, misguided, arrogant, selfish and greedy. Although (expired link) is not for everybody, Tomas sheds no tear of the negative criticism of those nay sayers and remains to do what he loves to do......and that's making music.

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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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