Wanna See You Soon

mistah qbiz2

Song Reviews

Wanna see you soon

I really do love this son seem like you put some real feeling in it. I would love to meet and do a song together if u don't mind. Keep me posted on future songs. Listen to this rap song together

United States, Tennessee, Memphis


Bruh you know this sounds a bit strange. Not sure why your interested in hearing people down your track. Sounds like you were being silly and I'll take it as such sorry I'm not the one to lie to people on a professional level this is trash. IncredibleC

United States, Tennessee, Memphis


good morning Mistah the song Wanna See You Soon sounds off beat. find a beat that matches your sound. but in order to do that you have to find your sound first. keep pursuing your dreams. consistent and reputation is the key.

United States, Florida, sunrsie

Very nice

This one is hard I love your flow and style keep grinding and don't ever give up all hard work always pay off and the independent grind is the best way because the back end is so much better than a 360 advance

United States, Texas, Dallas

Goofy ????

This gotta be a joke, Even tho it sounds like this, I done heard worser, But if you put creativity behind this it might be something this is some Old Dirty Bastard type of Shit make a video to it

United States, Ohio, Cleveland


Gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood gooooooooioooood

South Africa, Giyani

You jokeing right

If you are a comedian that shit was tooo funny bros but if you were forreal then that the worst singing I ever heard in my life that sounded like two 4lokos having sex on top of old dirty ass garbage

United States, Tennessee, Memphis

Wanna See You Soon

Earn Blincoins by Writing a Review mistah qbiz2 United States Florida miami Rap Hip Hop 04:10Wanna See You Soon Hip Hop Rap Share Buy Queue Read reviews Add Rating * 5.0 Your current balance: B₵ 6.69 Earn +10 Blincoins by writing a review. If you write over 300 characters for a review, you will earn +5 Blincoins more. Title of Your Review * Wanna See You Soon Review text * At least 150 characters more required shit fu

United States, Illinois, Chicago

Can’t be serious.

I really don’t know what to say about this song, like seriously. Where are you recording this type of stuff at? Do people really like your music or do you even have a fan base? These are all legitimate questions! I think you should listen to my music.

United States, Alabama, Dothan


gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooòooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooòooooooòoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooòooooooooooooood track love your music

South Africa, Cape Town

Watching You

Stay focused young man and write from the heart at all times stay positive for my people the more positive you are the happier I become simply because I hate negative shit hopefully this inspired you ❤️

United States, Nevada, Las Vegas

What is this

I don't know if this is a joke or something but somebody needs to quit playing music is very serious go back to the drawing board beat was terrible lyrics was terrible I'm not understanding what's going on here.

United States, Michigan, Detroit

Alright homie.. lol

Nah you just jokin' right? I like that track tho' nice beat bro...... lol ya too funny I don't quite know what else to say other than you're just too funny homie.. I still like that beat tho' keep up the nice work...... nice!!!!!!!!!

United States, New York, baltimore


 This makes me feel good riding in my car on a hot summer day while the top dropped playing it real loud nice flow to it nice beat lyrics sound fire on this track i will be playing this one for real


not good

obviously somebody is playing a game and not taking this seriously. the quality is bad, the beat is extra basic, i dont understand the lyrics at all. it sounds like nonsense and a waste of time to upload. i hear no hook chorus verse just a bunch of talking and mixed up words. you did a bad job bro and its real artist that take this to heart. get a real hobby

United States, Indiana, indianapolis


Hello I came here to tell you that you have a very good flow and a good feathers and that you deserve to be known. very good technique. I will share your works with my entourage to discover your works and talents to win more people, the world and fans. I wish you a very good continuation

France, Paris


Yo homie are you drunk or something but i guess i can understand you better but still I went on hiatus from this site but i got a kick from this track though i guess but hey whats dope you is dope to you stay blessed mane

United States, Illinois, Chicago


DOPE DOPE DOPE DOPE DOPE DOPE DOPE DOPE DOPE dope DOPE DOPE DOPE dope DOPE dope DOPE DOPE dope dope DOPE DOPE dope DOPE dope DOPE DOPE dope dope dope dope dope dope dope dope great Great work, dope sound, Keep working no matter what's going on you might become a greatest artist ever. Making music is not easy but if you have faith and hope that you gonna do it, you will do it. Talent like yours need be heard by the world so keep working, Keep walking, your dreams will come true. I wanna see you on billboard some day and on tv. DON'T EVER STOP DOING MUSIC Bless up Hope. Keep up the good hard work remember hard work pays off I do like your style the hook is good the music is just right for the mood of this song I would love to hear more of your music so keep posting. Keep up the good hard work remember hard work pays off I do like your style the hook is good the music is just right for the mood of this song I would love to hear more of your music so keep posting. Keep up the good hard work remember hard work pays off I do like your style the hook is good the music is just right for the mood of this song I would love to hear more of your music so keep posting

United States, California, Los Angeles

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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