Magma rise
Hungary, Budapest/Sopron

About Magma rise

Gábor Holdampf- bass / vocal (ex-Mood, ex-Wall of Sleep)
Kolos Hegyi- guitar (ex-Mood, Stereochrist)
László Herczeg- guitar (This Calling, Noble Victory)
Sándor Banfalvi- drums (ex-Neck Sprain)
Lazy Stream of Steel (full length, 2010)
Five (single, 2011)
The Man In The Maze (full length, 2013)
False Flag Operation (EP, 2016)
At the Edge of the Days (EP, 2017)
To Earth to Ashes to Dust (full length, 2021)
Neither Land Nor Sea (full length, 2024)
Magma Rise was founded in June 2009 by members or former members of Hungarian underground band MOOD, (definitive doom metal band 1993-2001, released 5 albums, playing around 400 gigs, also in support of Anathema, (expired link) Caravan, Crowbar etc…) Wall of Sleep, (2001- released 4 albums on Psychedoomelic Records and I Hate Records, played Doom Shall Rise Festival / Germany in 2003, Stoned From the Underground festival / Germany, supported bands like for example Darkest Hour, Trouble, Mastodon, High on Fire and played 5 tours across Europe), Stereochrist (2002- released 2 albums on Firebox, Psychedoomelic Records, supported bands like Candlemass, Zeke, toured with Testament in Europe) and Neck sprain (Hungarian underground heroes, released 3 albums, supported bands like Deftones, Slayer, Meshuggah, Soulfly). The debut album “Lazy Stream of Steel” (featuring Kyle Thomas Exhorder / Floodgate / Alabama Thunderpussy / Trouble) has been released in March 2010 on Nail / Psychedoomelic Records. The second album "The Man in the Maze" was the album of the month in the June issue of HammerWorld (former Metal Hammer Hungary) magazine and voted for the “Album of the year” in 2013 / Hungarian Metal Awards. In 2016 the band released a 5 songs EP called “False Flag Operation” featuring Brian Balich Penance- Argus (Pray for the Dead- Trouble cover). In the year 2017 a long awaited co-operation had been realized with the former Corrosion of Conformity singer Karl Agell. A 2songs EP “At the Edge of the Days” with a brandnew track and with the cover of the classic Black Sabbath song “A national Acrobat” (featuring Karl Agell) came out in “10 vinyl and in CD format. Even the biggest rock / metal magazines (Rock Hard, Legacy, Deaf Forever, Visions) observed appreciatively. In 2021 their third album called “To Earth to Ashes to Dust” came out on H-Music / Daredevil Records in digipak CD format and later on vinyl too the band played several shows in western Europe in 2023 right before they started to record their new album „Neither Land Nor Sea”, which has been released on 05.4.2024. on H-Music Hungary (Hungary) / Daredevil Records (Germany)

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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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