Larry Wimmer
United States, Illinois, Winthrop Harbor

About Larry Wimmer

I guess it would start with my (expired link) coming from from musical families
and very musical (expired link) father and mother met,working a
summer job, at Little (expired link) infamous resort in the middle of Wisconsin.
By day,my dad was a groundskeeper and my mother, a cabin (expired link) night ,they entertained in
the (expired link) played a little keys and guitar and (expired link) played piano and sang as well.

They soon married. Mom and Dad started a family and moved south to Illinois to find work
and were raising a family which would eventually yield seven children,of which i was the last.

Much of dad's family moved here as well. Many of them were accomplished musicians.
My Uncle Wally played the banjo and clarinet and my Uncle Ted played
great boogie-woogie (expired link) was always music "jams" at our house.
The whole family used to jam up a storm in our living room !

Despite growing up with very little ,I never thought of myself as poor.
I thought life was tough but I thought that's the way life was.
I learned to appreciate what I had and the good things that happened in my life.
Still,no matter how great my successes and achievements,they wouldn't
mean anything without the love and respect of my family and friends.

Much of my influence was due to my older siblings and some
of their friends,who at times, were listening to less mainstream artists.
Artists like Jackie Wilson,Isley Brothers,Little Richard and many of the
blues legends like Muddy Waters,Little Willie John and Robert Johnson.
I grew up on the Beatles and the Stones but I was listening to a lot of that music too.

Occasionally,I would make my way down to the beach by our
lakefront, or one of the local parks,to see bands play.
I was snakebit ! I didn't know just how or when, but
I knew that I wanted to play music and be in a band.

The Wimmer boys all sang and dabbled a little with guitars and drums.
Out of all us boys, I guess I was more serious about the drumming.
The drumming part was painful for my mother,because I beat holes in her vinyl kitchen chairs
with her wooden spoons."Thats it!",she said one day,and we went out and
got my first set of real drums.

My brother Benny and I would sing together a lot.
Our favorites were Righteous Brothers and
Sam & Dave (expired link) Gary had a penchant to play the bass
and years later wound up doing just that.
He traveled for a while in a few bands,working briefly with Eddie Rabbit.

As time would have it,most of them lost their drive but mine was really
just (expired link) of them never knew the priceless gifts they had given me.
Since those early days,I've traveled the country, playing in cover bands and original bands.
I was fortunate and blessed to have the opportunities to meet and work with
with many music greats and to play at many notable festivals and concert halls.

I played predominantly in the Midwest, sharing the stage with some pretty cool bands,Like
Cheap Trick,Eddie Money,The Fabulous Thunderbirds, KoKo Taylor,Off Broadway and many others.
I was never the big star and I still ain't. But I still love playing music.
These days, I am a singer/(expired link), I front my own band as guitarist
and lead vocalist,and I job out for other bands and artists. Mostly,as a drummer.
I sing and play almost all of the vocals,guitars and drums on all of my original recordings .

"I've really come to love the New Orleans funk sound like
Allen Toussaint,Jon Cleary,The Neville (expired link) John Lee Sanders.
I'm a big,big fan of Bonnie Raitt,Delbert McClinton,Paul Carrack and John Hiatt.
I also have a soft spot for Eric Clapton and Robert (expired link) influences on me, for sure.
Truth is, I never stop being influenced .When it comes right down to it, we are all original because
we are a collection of everything that we hear or that touches us. I hope my music touches you !

"Peaceness"............................Larry Wimmer

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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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