United States, Ohio, Cleveland

About KIN-4OLK
KIN-4OLK has many sites to name a few: (expired link), (expired link), (expired link), (expired link), (expired link)
KIN-4OLK: picture/logo is on the College Underground Radio Station Home Page Scrolling Marque and College Underground Radio’s “Featured Artist" webpage Scrolling Marquee.
College Underground Radio station website: (expired link)
Tunein: (expired link)
ITunes Radio: (expired link)
Windows MediaWindows Media: (expired link)
RealplayerAll Players: (expired link)
WinampiTunes: (expired link)
Interview with College Underground radio:
?1. What Music Genre Do you feel beat describes your music and How would you describe your sound?
KIN4OLK..has its own Genre and its called "TRUTH MUZIK"
We would describe our sound as The Brutal TRUTH over BOOM BAP..
?2. What are or Have been your Musical influences?
My Uncle Chill, my Mom And my Dad...as far as artist influences...that would b DEL the funky homosapien, KRS ONE, RAKIM ,NOTORIOUS BIG, SCARFACE,LeCrae, Detric Hadden, Yolande Adams, Kirk Franklin, Pink Floyd, Portishead...it's so many..we love music of all kinds
?3. What are you working on now?
Right now...I'm working on DAIM ISRAEL SLANTED 3.0 which is about to b a CLEVELAND CLASSIC. Should b dropping sometime in March...
?4. Any collaborations we can look for?
Yes...DAIM ISRAEL is hooking up with a CLEVELAND LEGEND by the name of RIF RAF...it's called 16 bar exchange...it's going to b real dope!
?5. What is your Ultimate goal in the music industry?
(expired link) ultimate goal is to b the first official recording company in CLEVELAND..
?6. What is your plan of action?
To keep SMACKING them with new material and shows...KEEP THE BUZZ UP!
?7. What is your typical songwriting process?
The BEAT tells me what I should write about. First I hear the track...and if I'm feeling..ill get me some HEN...and get a few pulls off...and Zone completely out
?8. How do u feel about Originality?
Originality describes what kind of person u r. Originality is extremely important...well it use to b anyway
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Kin-4olk has no Merchandise yet.
Past Events
Jan 14
7:00 PM
18+ or w/ adult
United States, Ohio, Lakewood, 11794 Detroit ave. Lakewood ohio , 44107
Mar 17
8:00 PM
18+ or w/ adult
United States, Ohio, Lakewood, 11794 Detroit ave. Lakewood ohio , 44107
Mar 18
8:00 PM
18+ or w/ adult
United States, Ohio, Lakewood, 11796 Detroit ave. Lakewood ohio , 44107