Song Reviews

"Just a little Love"...what a wonderful gift indeed

David Wayne Moore has hit upon an age old theme with his song "Just a little Love". Boy meets girl, falls for girl, but girl is reluctant to see the true love and sincerity in the boy's eyes...and in his heart. Or the tables could be turned the opposite way when girl meets boy, etc, etc, ad infinitum. It all gets back to the same old, age old theme like the Dianna Ross tune: "What the world needs now is love sweet love". There you have it!. This song is not a finished product. So, I will not critique on production points, only songwriting and composition. This song has A LOT of potential! The opening melody is well put together and builds a rhythmic and melodic tension of anticipation and uncertainty which really helps set the tone of the songs subject matter. David Wayne's trepeditious vocal delivery also enhances the effect of perceived uncertainty making the listener feel the romantic tension of the song building with each verse. The song rises up from this uncertain beginning to a cry out for someone to be courageous and take a chance on love. This is because we really do only have so much time to find love in this life that we live, after all. The more confident horn section asserts this along with the sexy saxophone solo at the bridge. Finally, the full ensemble takes us out confidently to the end. A triumphant victory of love found which is that pot of gold at the end to this rainbow of a song which David Wayne Moore has so graciously given us to listen to. What a wonderful gift indeed.

United States, Texas, Austin



A very positive upbeat song. Could use some cleaning up on the music. I would have preferred a different singer. His voice didn’t seam to have the range needed to hit all the notes required to pull this song off. Not bad though.

United States, Nevada, North Las Vegas

Nice tune with more potential

I love this song, reminds me a bit of Steven Winwood, Toto, Steely Dan and other artists of the 80/90s. Maybe a bit dated for today's market, but I'm also dated, so what the hell, good music is good music. I like how the song is build up with the very reserved instrumentation in the first verse, and the increases in the further course of the piece. I would shorten the part after the first chorus. The chorus is very catchy with a great message. What I miss most about production are background vocals. I think a few vocal harmonies will get much more out of this. The rhythm section could also do a bit more, although I actually think the monotonous drum groove fits quite well. Good job!

American Samoa, Fghjkk


It's like the music i heard when I was Young. A sound cool, clear and catchy for my ears. Folk, light and beautiful sound. Good voice too. I Wish you the best on NumberOneMusic. You 'll be certainly at the top soon

France, Marseille

Just A Little Love

Nice song I like the guitar mostly the vocals are good also. I would have added some strings to the music just to have that full sound. I like the song great job nice mix great title keep up the good work that you are doing

United States, New York, Brooklyn


I listen Your song 2 times and I come to conclusion .I do not like first 1/2 of the song.. o not thibut I like the other..I think if You listen close You will agree with if You make the First Half better I will gave You 4.8 Star...the truth is that Music Publishers listen app 1-20 sec of the song.. and that mean They will not listen the Good Part..try to rerecord and let's see what will happen as it is now I do not think They will take a time to listen the whole song..I wish You good luck.. Good Job...

United States, California, Los Angeles


great start, great acoustic guitar and very special voice. the piece is presented in a very linear way, without sharpness but this does not detract from its beauty and its musical value. something and your piece reminded me of the toto, a group from the 80s that you surely know. the music of the Toto was very affordable was quite commercial but also very pleasant and in some ways musically high.

Italy, italy


Aye beat is dope asf and great mixing done on track , so shout out to whoever your engineer was and keep doing your thang keep grinding keep putting in that hard work and stay consistent Keep doing your thang keep grinding bro you definitely have potential and the talent is there continue to make that real music you doing and you gone make it fam that’s my opinion keep working

United States, Texas, Houston

Very nice pop song

It's fresh, a kind of summer song in a teenagers movie. Slow rythm, quiet rythm guitars, and nice melody, especially the Chorus, this song could easily by heard on any radio. The only bemol for me is that the synthetic horns / saxo / trumpets sound a little bit bad (false), but this is not chocking for a personnal release (I mean, not a studio work performed with a professional sound engineer). Really good work man!

France, Toulouse

David Wayne Moore

David has an easy to listen to style.. yet his production sounds large. His dong unfolded in a well thought out manner reflecting a good knowledge of songwriting. Vocally he is smooth though one feels only briefly in a couple of passages that a little more grunt could sell his song emotionally. This could just be a matter of taste and he proficently hits every note and his message comes over clearly. A great drum track and groove underpins the whole thing and one who not question the songs presence on any commercial playlist. Hearing more of David music recorded under various setting and instrumentation would likely bring dimensions of his writing out that are alluded to in this recording ..especially during the instrumental break.. exploiting his fantastic groove and vamp. I think this song could wirk equalky well with a band or just with an acoustic guitar... Hoping to hear more from this promising artist on the future...

Australia, brisbane

Very nice intro

I am enjoying the feel of the song old school ballad feel , great guitars and the vocals are very nice. Lyrics are catchy. The simple drum track helps the song breath and gives a carefree feel to the song very nice work.

United States, California, Arroyyo Grande

Just A Little Love

This is an excellent piece of music, great vocalist and a magic brass section that sets a tingle in the spine of the listeners. The percussion is Ace and makes you want to get on your feet and move with the beat! A Really current song with a great message too. Right up there with the greats. Nothing compares to a great Love Song. This one has all the hallmarks of a great one. All we need is love...for eternal significance. A heart is not judged by how much it loves but how much it is loved by others.

United Kingdom

David Wayne Moore My Review!

Hello Mr. Wayne Moore first I will say you are a very talented man so far everything music wise that I have been hearing has been really good and I also really like your lead vocals keep up the wonderful work you have a different sound when you sing lead also the music is good keep up the good work I hope I have said something that will help you and your music career from J.Milligan President/CEO,New Experience Rec/Rick Ross Music Group/UMG.

United States, Mississippi, Marks

Nice groove!

Hi David! What a great groove this song has! Love the simplicity of the music, keeping it laid back through the front half. The brass section is nice! The lyrics are catchy, however you didn't quite sell me on the emotions. Otherwise, very nice mix! Congrats!

United States, Tennessee, Gainesboro

your ganna wanna press play on further tracks

SO at first I was not really sure who's song I should pick to play but then I saw this cover to the song and it grabbed my eyes so I clicked it because of the color tons the dark shade of blue with the black said blues to me -->> I hit play for your record and started working away in my daily task and I found my self in a very happy environment, form the music the words that you have used to write the music are very touch to me and not to mention the melody of the song -->> I was always told that you have to feel the blues to sing the blues of the song and for you i think that you fell the song that you sing WONDERFUL JOB ! but im not to sure why its consider Country POP ! anyhow stay in contact with me just search me on google Montez McCamish and connect to the links you find !

United States, Kentucky, Brandenburg

Review of just a little love


I think this song is miss classified as a country pop song. It has a soft soulful sound that reminds me of Marvin Gaye. I would go for the adult contemporary classification. That said, the song is pretty good it builds in intensity and once everything kicks in it finds its grove and rolls quickly by. It's getting to that point where the song could use a little work. The vocals are a little shake and could use a keyboard playing a pad style to help smooth things out until the full band kicks in. Overall though it's a good vocal performance.

United States, Illinois, Aurora


I really like the song I your style is very unique and creative very well composed and well put together and thank you for sharing your craft with the world and at anytime I would like to hear more of your music at anytime have a great day and may God bless you.

United States, California, Every Where


HEY MAN, NICE WORK, NICE SONG. The music is understated for the first half, AWESOME perfect for the feel of this song. Acoustic is nice feel. LOVE the horns, very cool. They came in so nice, didnt even notice when they came in, they just showed up. TO COOL. I really like the way the second half built up. GREAT production and GREAT mix. Thanks for a really cool tune

United States, Texas, Ft Worth

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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