LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND (C.) 2020 R. Fogelstrom


Song Reviews

Leave it all

...wow what a beautiful song love the sounds and muscianship............this song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over and over............they the song was put together is very unique..........just love the way its sung the vocals are spot on the guitars, drums and keyboards were played perfectly...............can't say enough about this song ............I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thsnk you.......... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you again.....................

United States, New York, Middle village

Don't Leave This Song Behind!


I was very surprised and happy to,finally being able to hear and understand the artist's lyrics. And it was another great surprise at how clear the vocals are. What kind of microphone are you using? I gotta get me one! Overall; the song is well written and a pleasure to listen to. I look forward to hearing more from AMALA

United States, Pennsylvania, Saylorsburg

Leave the music and leave it all behind

The voice is toiling through the song missing the highest notes. The mixer tried to correct this weakness with very much reverb, so the voice is drowned in reverb. The arrangement sounds like from a little boy keyboard with standard sounds and standard styles. All in all a nice demo for a jambalaia organ one man entertainer who can be booked for weddings or ball nights for retired lonely hearts. One star for composition that could be worked out for a country song.

Austria, Vienna

Nice sound, Pleasant voice.

The sound is good. very listenable. The lyric are tender and vulnerable but some of the phrasing could be smoother. I recommend you do some re-write to clunking lines. Back ground vocals need work, fix them or remove them. Its a little high for you in parts making it sometimes pitchy. You should rework things to keep it in your comfortable range. All and all pretty nice.

United States, California, San Diego

Nice Lyrics

Overall nice lyrics. If the vocals and production were stronger the song would be stronger and the melody would stand out more. Nice story telling. There is definitely potential for a great catchy song.

Canada, British Columbia, Youbou

Leave it all behind

This is Pretty good. i like all styles of music. This got a movie vibe to it like a break up feel. i can sleep to this lol its crazy keep it going. Rhymes on point, the cadence and the harmony was great. Great Night music on the way home. like you just quit your job and listening to this is the one Lol.. Peace

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

Leave It All Behind Review

Love the premise of the song. The lead vocal melody is very nice. The backgrounds call for harmony, the song is crying out for a nice background vocal arrangement. There are a couple of spots in the lead vocal where the vocal is a bit iffy. (middle of the song and a high note in the bridge). I would go over it and fix those parts and hire someone to do some backgrounds. Fix those things and you've got a nice song.

United States, New York, Uniondale

Strong effort

This is a great effort in our opinion. The performance is unpolished and in need of a guiding hand, but when all the glitz and glamour of the tech is removed, all that’s left is the song, and this has great bones. The format is right and there’s a hook that can be developed. The lyrics are poignant, without stooping to mediocrity, and extremely relatable. We like the song, and, for us, at least, the song is what really matters


good morning thank you for sharing your song with me I really like the title and I love the meaning of the message of the song leaving it all behind that's what I'm trying to do everyday that you share. Thank you for being creative and unique thank you for not being afraid to go to the next level and try something different. I listen to all types of music I grew up listening to Jazz Rock gospel praise and worship just to name a few. Hope you had a wonderful day enjoy the rest of your week thank you again and please keep me posted and stand touch have a wonderful day God bless your knowledge go to do

United States, California, Every Where

Amala Leave it all behind


Amala "Leave it all behind" in this request for a review Amala ask for input on the song rather than the production. Hmm I normally don't have much to say about the production of songs except I might be able to use this for a bigger word count. Ok so onto the song Leave it all behind is a kind of blues ballad with a smooth sort of added commercial feel. When I was listening I could not help but wonder if this could be a contender for the Mens rights movement spotify song list which would be massive when someone starts one, you know what they say misery loves company. The song begs for a lead or lap steel guitar at the end if only for 30 seconds and even if the vocals are over the top of it. A personal preference would have been a slower more sparse and more feeling bass line.

United Kingdom, London

Catchy Melody


Kind of borders on easy listening and a little on the bluesy side, I like it, good stuff. Both the lyrics and the melody suit the piece . Overall a good piece of work. The harmonies could certainly could use some help. Keep it at bro...

United States, Michigan, Detroit


This is something to worth to work on It.. I'm hearing a Working Demo in Progress.. I Great Arrangement with Real Instruments will help the song a Lot..a little more Power will also be good.. ( Some parts of the vocal part are of the tune ..THIS MUST be CORRECTED before submission.. I wish You a good luck with pitching but I will not send It as It is need some work and trust me They ( Music Publishers and Radio Stations are looking for a Perfect Song.. but Yoiurs in not.. Good Luck..

United States, California, Los Angeles

Leave it all behind

I liked the lyrics, melody was nice what lets it down is the common thing of using a chord in the way that you are. I would suggest that get rid of the chord and listen to it again, also reduce the amount of reverb or change it as dates your song a little, also the arpegio is used too much, maybe it is a quck filler but it makes it sound too much like muzak. You have a nice song why spoil it? My suggestion is remove the vocal from the mix and listen to your arrangement, is it a nice piece of music that can stand on its own? I hope this helps, let me know how you get on.

United Kingdom, Salisbury

Gentle melancholic Song


This easy listening song combines contemporary music in pop style. Good played piano brings some more interest into the song. The intro feels like a story and the lyrics come from the heart. Amala has a sympathetic vocal projection and the chorus is lovely, what makes the meaning of the song engaging for me. The song is not overly complex, but the additional sound of the keys bringing more beauty into the song. This song can remind also on own love-relations and is not far away from normal radio hits. It´s an original and maybe you like to add it. Let others know your recommedation.

Germany, Hamburg

Look Out Behind You


One of the things I enjoy most about Number One Music artists is the newfound ability to hear music from around the world by singers who I'd never have the chance to listen to otherwise. That, in itself, is a great thing. Here, with this song the production sounds amazing on my AirPods. Musically this is a great song, well timed and and produced. There are a few areas where vocally - well - it could be better, but this is a genuine passionate appeal and the earnest sound in the vocals are the saving grace.

United States, California, Huntington Beach

The Song Is Wonderfully Inspirational


the song is well constructed with the verse, chorus and bridge well defined. i think the message is clear and inspirational for those of us who hold on to the adversities in our past for too long. as far as the Music Production of the song, the paino should be developed more. i think it's too simplistic especially since there isn't a bass in the song. personally, i think the song would benefit greatly with a bass in it, but it's certainly not required. i think there should be vocal harmonies in the Chorus. it would help to differentiate it from the verses even better. the lead vocal & some of the background vocals go out of tune in a few places. overall, i think it's a good song.

United States, New York, New York City

Leave It All Behind....


Really like the lyrics...has a good vibe. Passionate vocals good job. I like the melody too...beautiful. I'm relaxed listening ready leave it all behind. Clever hook. Nice track ready to try get placed somewhere for another major artist, if you wanted.

United States, California, Irvine

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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