Tom Goddard
7 years ago

new and improved!

hi guys, its been a while since ive uploaded,but after taking a look at my old videos ive seen a transition and a change in my self and my voice which is great! i think its a good change but as always there is still plenty of work that needs to be done before im happy with where im at! but im happy with where things are going. now ed sheeran as you all know is a really talented bloke,what with his ginger hair tattoos,guitar skills and unmistakably acoustic style as well as incredible lyrical ability he inspired me a little while ago to record a cover of his song lego house,now i was only young when i recorded it 17 i think,it was a bit hit and miss,and my breathing was all over the bloody place but and this is the key there was a foundation for growth,and i needed it! so i recently decided still at the tender age now of 21 to re record it but this time fix some of the mistakes that i made in the first video. so im going to attach it in this email for you to head on over and take a listen to,please let me know what you think?granted im not ed but i think i hold my own covering one of his songs :P lastly ive been receiving messages form you lovely lot,so thankyou :) i always take the time to read them,and do my best to reply to every message i read! ive got quite the following on here now which is very heartwarming to see,to think i started off with so little and have achieved so much! so a big thankyou to all who have been there to put up with my shit,and essays and life stories..... id be nothing without you! id love to get to 1000 subs and hit 100,000 views and plays thats the aim! and i know that in time we will smash it together ;) but my promise to you is this,i know you dont know me,and when you read these messages to some they provide inspiration and to some your thinking fucking guy talks to much...whilst thats true :P what im saying has a point,im a very black and white sort of person,i will try my best to inspire you and really show you that unlike most artists i dont care about the glitz and the glamour or the money,win the lottery and you could become and multi millionaire over night by sitting on your ass have a cup of tea or whatever you may drink,no hard work no effort,just a beep from a till and possibly a 10 minute walk to the shop...NO! i want something more i want to leave something move,i want financial stability for myself but also for my family,as weve never know anything but struggle! and i want to leave a mark on the music industry,fads silly little one hit wonders,they means nothing to me,i want to become a legend i want the ups and i want the downs,i want to put in the hard work and the long hours to be the best and to really carve my name out as the hardest damn worker in the room because without hard work,you will achieve very little no matter how much talent you have because there will always be someone around the corner with just as much talent as you that is just as hungry as you are for success but that wants it that little bit more than you,so dont let your talent go to waste,put in the hours,and grow! because nothing good ever comes easy and those who say it does,fuck em! there either from a family where what they had was given to them or they are so naive that they are going to have a real shock when they see that success is not a quick fix,its not a sprint,its a marathon,and the journey you go on will either deifine you or break you,that choice is up to you :) but i promise you one thing,as a role model to however many people listen to and like my music and as a regular lad myself,i will only ever be honest with you,ive been bullshitted to and its not nice so i would never do the same to anyone else because i dont like to be lied to myself! keep listening keep sharing,and whatever you do dont ever stop dreaming! i love you <3 god bless Tom x

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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