my best friend in this world, died in my arms today. he kicked ass! the coolest, laid-back cat you ever met. he was thriving, vital, until about a week ago. i called the cat hospital, they couldn't see him for 2 months. Called another cat hospital, left a message. by the time they replied, he was gone. i can't believe he's really gone for good. we went through hell together and came out on top. i'll never not miss him. i always told him, " yer a good kid, buddy " as i rubbed under his chin and he'd look up at me and blink his eyes like he understood. hug your pet, a little extra today. tomorrow they'll be gone.
{ update December 2024 }
Still missing Bubba! He was so awesome. I wish you could have met him.
I still talk to him as if he's right here by my side...and maybe he is. A few weeks ago i was cleaning the livingroom and my lighthouse music box clicked forward a few notes on its own. Maybe it was just a change in the weather affecting the spring mechanism, or maybe that was him saying goodbye.
I think i'll never not miss him.
Thank you for reading this and maybe sharing the post. Hug your pet, let them know what they mean to you.
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