Serious Nubian
7 months ago

Bloody Winter

Latest Podcast

Bloody Winters Well, here I am back again with another Podcast complete with a new Poster design. Didn't get much time in the Studio this past week. I had some issues with the car that had to be taken care of so my mind was more focused on that to get the situation sorted. Was'nt much of an issue when I think about but it was a bloody major inconvenience just the same. Only one thing that pisses me off about Canada and makes me miserable and that's the goddam sub-zero temperatures in the winter. Last week it got so goddammed cold that it drained the power from my car battery and I couldn't get my car started. It's never happened before I ''ve had that car for about 5 years now and never had an issue in the previous winters. Had to use public transport and a taxi to get about and was constantly reminded as to why I bought the car in the first place. It's all sorted now and I'm more mindful of the weather conditions in the winter. But now back to the topic of Music. Still working on some brand new tracks in the studio, i did mention that this music will be out in August but now I can't say for sure it might be sooner or later i can't say at present but one thing is that it will be out in 2024. So here are the tracks that are on this current Podcast Episode 1. Makes No Difference (by Marcus Davis / Composer/Producer/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 2. How Come You Never Ask ( by Marcus Davis /Composer/Producer/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 3. Just Full Of Surprises ( by Marcus Davis /Composer /Producer /Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming) 4. We All Get Whats Coming ( by Marcus Davis / Composer/ Producer/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 5. Fond Memories ( by Marcus Davis/Composer/Producer/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 6. Think About You All The Time ( by Marcus Davis/Composer/Producer/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 7. Cabin In The Sky (by Marcus Davis/Composer/Producer/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) Oh yeah this track was also the number One Funk tune in Canada Also just want to give shout outs to the supporters and they are Julien from Nebraska Greg Jackson from Los Angeles Rich Carswell from Chicago Rowie from Dudley UK Christine Paratte from Paris France Sam from Tennessee Hans Kuiper from Berlin Germany Cecil Thomas from Illinois Arron from Georgia USA Terry from Arizona Leah from Virginia Capil Mexico Kira from Nashville www.seriousnubian.com www.seriousnubian.bandcamp.com https://www.reverbnation.com/seriousnubian https://www.jango.com/music/Serious+Nubian https://www.n1m.com/seriousnubian https://seriousnubian.hearnow.com/once-in-a-blue-moon https://seriousnubian.hearnow.com/trying-times https://www.seriousnubian.com/new-products-merchandise https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com https://www.patreon.com/marcusdavis2021 https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://soundcloud.com/marcus-davis-491012279

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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