Sergio González Carducci
Spain, Madrid
Sergio González Carducci
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Sergio González Carducci

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About Sergio González Carducci

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Born in Rosario, Argentina, Sergio began studying composition at the National University of Rosario in 1982. He recorded his first job, 'Imágenes prohibidas', with the rock group "Agnes Secreto" in 1988.

After enjoying great success with his duo “Savia Nueva" with Adrian Lanese in the early 90's, he performed numerous collaborations as producer, arranger and performer. At this time, he also developed an extensive portfolio in musical works for advertising.

In 1991 Sergio was appointed music director of the 'Ballet de arte Folklorico Argentino', with which he toured throughout Europe, Asia and America. Because of his training and his versatility as a musician, Sergio has always been able to develop his art by writing music for orchestra, as well as producing popular music and songs for other artists.

Since 2001 he lives in Madrid, where in 2005 thanks to his works for cinema and TV he was appointed as a member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Music of Spain. In 2004 the ballad of the original soundtrack for the film 'In the Shadow of the Dreams', was playing in the Spanish radios' top 40. At this point begun the prosperous relationship with the film director Emilio Ruiz Barrachina, for whom in 2006 Sergio composed the soundtrack of the blockbuster documentary 'Lorca: the sea stops moving'. The remarkable success of the film, which was broadcast in over sixty countries, allowed this soundtrack to be the top seller on iTunes without any major label (expired link) 2007 Sergio composed the soundtrack for the TV series 'The Business of Peace', for the documentary 'The Literary and Xacobea Traslatio' and another documentary, 'The Girl soldiers'.

In 2008 he composed the soundtrack for the documentary 'Orson Welles and Goya' and 'The Spain of the couplet'. The later was premièred with great success in the Malaga Film Festival in (expired link) major event of 2008 was the Musical direction by Sergio of 'The War of the Worlds' by Orson Welles, a work collectively issued by all major radio stations in Spain in commemoration of the radio´s (expired link), in December 2008 Sergio presented his fourth CD: ' Beyond the imagination'.

In 2010, among other media projects, Sergio is producing a Chillout album with the violinist Tancredo. In 2010, as a result of the artistic collaboration between Sergio and Tancredo, the single 'Be You' was published by Deep Class in the USA. This project later became 'Maltango', and the duo released their first EP, 'Maltango Vol I'. In 2013 composed the original soundtrack for the movie 'The sale of Paradise', to be released in April of 2013.
Sergio's latest work are the soundtrack for ¨TransNazarin¨ (2015) and the soundtrack for ´EL Violín de Piedra¨(2016)

In 2017 was edited your new Cd: Woman´s Voices.

Currently he is working in a new Sounf track for new films and he is finishing to edit Maltango vol II .

Summary of Awards won for his work

Lorca. The sea stops moving

Festivals: Lleida, Brussels, Viareggio (Italy), La Habana, Huelva, Malaga, Bogota, Chicago. (2006)

Orson Welles and Goya

Festivals: Expo Zaragoza 2008, Bogota, Montreal.

La venta del paraíso

New York City International Festival: The Best Original History.

Calanda, Colombia: The best film


Madrid Adwares finalist the best short

Violín de Piedra.

The Best films and music, FICARQ

The Best team, Festival 22 por Don Luis


The Best films 22 Festival San Gío, Verona, Italia

Mezcal Awards

Simon Awards

Premio Abbas Kiorostami L´undecesima stella 2016 Verona Italia

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