

  • doublearami

    NEW SINGLE? ????????????

    Double A Rami has a new single?!
  • doublearami

    NEW SINGLE? ????????????

    Double A Rami has a new single?!
  • marcfain

    New Website Reminder!

    Greetings everyone! Just a reminder if you haven't seen it yet, to stop on by and take a look and listen to my new website! There you will find everything from all of my music from my first two albums "Dancing With Dragons" and "Finding My Way", along with my latest single "It's In Our Stars". You'll also find pics, videos, and merchandise with everything from T-Shirts to posters and coffee mugs, digital downloads of my music, and my new podcast "Defending The Old School." So stop on by and take a look, and thanks as always for your support!
  • marcfain

    New Website!

    Greetings Everyone! Hope you all have a fantastic week! Just wanted to remind you that I have a new webpage up and running. The address is There you will find all the latest news, music, and merchandise available. Stop on by and take a look and listen!
  • marcfain

    New Website!

    Greetings Everyone! Hope you all have a fantastic week! Just wanted to remind you that I have a new webpage up and running. The address is There you will find all the latest news, music, and merchandise available. Stop on by and take a look and listen!
  • jokerjkr

    $20 Million for me to perform at birthday parties

    $20000000 for me to perform a custom song at your birthday party.
  • kennettkiss

    SUBSCRIBE: Kennett Kiss Has Drip

    Kennett Kiss Has Drip is a YouTube channel that allows more content from Kennett Kiss. I appreciate all of your support and encouragement to brand as an independent and inspirational artist. I invite you to subscribe and share to everyone, everywhere and to all social media sites. I look forward to your letters and continued support.
  • jokerjkr

    Sports Connection Parlays

    Get my winning Sports picks Straights & Parlays I’m a Sports Expert that’s been featured on the new with winning picks.
  • racerelish

  • jokerjkr

    Jokers Wild Casino

    A online casino with lots of games owned by Jokrrj.k.r
:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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