

  • seriousnubian

    Played A Really Good Gig Last Weekend

    Hey, and how is everybody doing was off for a while or so didn't have any time to put the Podcast up i did have some health issues but have now been resolved.I was also away on a gig in Bancroft right out there in Cottage Country.Yes R&B Fusion Collective put on a go show out there for the patrons who were having a 40th anniversary celebration for their cottage. I'll tell you one thing it was one hell of a drive to get there almost 3 hours. The folks were nice though giving me in particular a hand in lugging my gear to the stage.I was lugging that gear about earlier geting my amp mixer and Bass Guitar and PA speakers into the back of my car plus the drive to get there and then setting it all up . I can tell you i was well and truly knackerd and thats even before playing a single note of the set .But we all played very well that evening hey man we killed it the 4 of us so i have to give my hats of to Lorne , Grace , & Colin for kicking ass that day you guys are the greatest .But onto a different topic i was watching this youtube clip of this Bass Player from Detroit named Al Turner boy does he have some tastey Bass licks click on the link to check him out I'm going to start featuring clips of a Musicians who have serious Musical Chops. In the meantime feel free to check out my links to purchase some of my Music You can also order your Music by sending me an e-mail @ Send me your order and I will e-mail you back the MP3 Music File to download All payments are thru either Paypal or Interac Again thanks alot for your support and don't forget to check out my Podcast by going to Also go to Also i will be hosting a listening party in a couple of weeks for the new album Re-Birth so i will keep you all posted. Maintain The Groove Stay Funky !! Support the Show.
  • seriousnubian

    Pushing New Music

    Hey and hows it going still shaking of this goddam cold its getting more like the flu plus i'm getting these dizzy spells real pain in the ass considering what i was going thru last summer . But that has'nt stopped me from creating new Music and working on brand new tracks for another album. In the meantime i'm promoting the latest album project titled Re-Birth by The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra which you can download as a full album by going to : Also i'm working on building a new website @ doing the trial thing at the moment but you can view it by clicking this code @ FA1HNm6DKM Also be working on new videos to promote the Music as well they'll be coming out in the future. Ok on this latest Podcast you'll hear tracks from the latest album Re-Birth 1. Groovin 2.What Is This World Coming To 3. Racisim 4. Just Full Of Suprises 5. The Older I Get 6. Who Are You Kidding All the tracks were recorded @ Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions and Composed By Marcus Davis Also before i forget have to mention the latest subscribers to my Music and the are. Amanda Held from United States, Michigan, Almont 3 hours ago Alison Stevens from United States, California, Los Angeles 6 hours ago Joel Megli from United States, Washington, Redmond 13 hours ago Mark Zafferani from United States, Indiana, Indianapolis 19 hours ago James Meyer from Canada, Quebec, Amos 1 day ago Janna Smith from United States, Nebraska, Omaha 1 day ago Leo from United States, Nevada, Las Vegas 1 day ago Giacomo Bernardi from Italy, Rome 1 day ago Christopher Aaron from United States, New York, Bronx 2 days ago Jamie from United States, New York, New York 2 days ago Quincy Lee from United States, Iowa, Cedar Rapids 2 days ago Ella from New Zealand, Auckland 3 days ago Matty Lyons from Canada, Quebec, Montreal 3 days ago Richard from United States, Montana, Bighorn 3 days ago Kevin from Canada, Alberta, Edmonton 3 days ago Marie from Germany, Dresden 4 days ago Vincent from United States, Georgia, Griffin 4 days ago Jack Phillips from United States, Indiana, Fort Wayne 4 days ago Emily Anderson from New Zealand, North Shore 4 days ago NICK from United States, California, Los Angeles 5 days ago optimoos from Australia, Sydney 5 days ago Greg Ashananay from United Kingdom, London 5 days ago Christian de Haan from Australia, Gold Coast 5 days ago Ones i did'nt mention i'll e-mail them a message.
  • illblaze


    Please come to my website to learn more about my music I also have merch to go back with my latest release
  • seriousnubian

    Just Released A Brand New Album Titled Re-Birth

    Hello and hows it going .Well i'm back again with another Podcast episode and the news that i'v already released the brand new album project that i'v been talking about all this time. Re-Birth by The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra is now out i guess it came out alot sooner than i anticipated .There are Eight tracks on this album all with the Funk,Jazz,R&B Fusion vibe influence . Two tracks taken from the album are featured in this Podcast . You can download this album as a Music Digital Download by going to Amber my Rep will tell you all about it . Also all the future Podcast are being scaled down to the half hour mark you know cost and all that. But tracks featured on this Podcast are : 1.) Just Full Of Suprises ( Composed By Marcus Davis /Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming) 2.) How Come You Never Ask (Composed By Marcus Davis /Bass/Keyboards/ Drum Programming) 3.) Once In A Blue Moon ( Composed By Marcus Davis / Synth Bass/ Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 4.) What Is This World Coming To (Composed By Marcus Davis) 5.) What Happens Next (Composed By Marcus Davis) This Podcast Is also on youtube @ Also let me mention some of the new subscribers that discovered my Music. Terrance from United States, Wisconsin, Madison Morgan from United States, Minnesota, Minneapolis Jason from Canada, Saskatchewan, regina Josh from New Zealand, Christchurch Nicholas Altobelli from Australia, Melbourne kyle from United States, Virginia, Timberlake Jared from United States, Florida, Clermont francine from United States, California, Sacramento Mykal Malachi from United States, Georgia, Ellenwood Sophia Anita Reyes from United States, California, San Francisco Johnny from United States, California, San Francisco Shaun Ilahi from United States, New York, Brooklyn FRANCO LAIMO from Italy, Messina Matt Muckleroy from United States, Texas, San Antonio Craig from United States, New York, New York Jane & Lynn Country Carlsbad California
  • seriousnubian

    New Album Just Released

    Hi and how is everybody doing? Well, I'm here still plugging away at it. Right now I'm just putting the finishing touches to my latest album project The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra titled Rebirth. Somewhere down the line when I get to Record & Produce the next album project I will be adding other Musicians & vocalists to the lineup because I'm not too big on writing the lyrics. Plus I can't sing a lick and it takes ages for me to write lyrics and do it and I'm not the most patient individual. I'm pretty chuffed about this current album project though. I tried to make it a lot more Funkier. Also, check out these music links for my other Albums and Video downloads The Tracks on this latest Podcast 1. Too Late To Say You're Sorry (Composer Marcus Davis, Bass, Keyboards, Drum Programming, Vocodor) 2. In The Pocket (Composer Marcus Davis, Bass, Keyboards, Drum Programming, Robert Taylor Soprano Sax) 3. Cutting Ties (Composer Marcus Davis, Bass, Keyboards, Drum Programming, Robert Taylor Soprano Sax) 4. Funky Lix (Composer Marcus Davis, Bass, Keyboards, Drum Programming) 5. Who Are You Kidding (Composer Marcus Davis, Bass, Keyboards, Drum Programming) 6. Why Are'nt You On Track (Composer Marcus Davis, Bass, Keyboards, Drum Programming, Vocodor) 7. What Could Possibly Go Wrong (Composer Marcus Davis, Bass, Keyboards, Drum Programming, Vocodor) Plus Let's not forget the subscribers and give them a mention Maria from Spain, Barcelona Aleksa from the United States, New York, Brooklyn Rick from Monaco, Monte-Carlo Terence Jay from the United States, California, Santa Monica D.J.M. from the United Kingdom, London Ann Golubowski from United Kingdom, Milton Keynes Michele Pesci from Italy, Rome Roger from the United Kingdom, Liverpool John from the United States, Texas, Austin Bandit! from the United States, California, David from the United States, New York, Scotia Shane from the United States, California, Thousand Oaks Eldon Joiner from Italy, Rome Bob Meredith from Australia, Sydney Matt DiSanto from the United States, New Jersey, South Harrison Township Miki Craven from Spain, Terrassa Michel from the United States, California, Lancaster Adam from the United States, California, Berkeley Jared from the United States, New York, New York Jo Snyder from the United States, New York, Bronx Marcel Bwanga from the United States, California, Los Angeles Faye Davis from the United States, California, Palm Springs Jacob from the United States, Michigan, Bloomfield Township Antoine Fraser from the United States, Wisconsin, Appleton Esmon from Lithuania, Mark Tokach from the United States, Texas, Austin
  • seriousnubian

    Putting My Music On A Better Digital Outlet

    Hey, how's it going been busy this past weekend getting my Music on another Digital Outlet. Lot of work not only did I have to convert the Music files from Wav to Mp3 but I also included a short video clip for each album using an Avatar or a Sales Rep if you like and she gives the rundown on each album. Her name is Amber.Still haven't finished yet have to upload more Music plus a Video download as well. Still have a ways to go. But check out the website and download some of the Music.Also, check out Amber too. My Music is still @ But you can now go to this new webpage @ It's a bit more sophisticated with the short video clips I think folks will like it so support the Independent Musician by downloading a track. The Music on this week's Podcast 1. How Many Times ( Composer /Marcus Davis /Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 2. A Brand New Day (Composer/Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 3. Free Your Soul (Composer/Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 4. Positive Energy ( Composer/Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 5. Whats It All About ( Composer/Marcus Davis/ Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming/Vocodor) 6. Trying Times (Composer/Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drums Programming /Vocodor) 7. Not Everything Is As It Seems ( Composer /Marcus Davis/Bass/Keyboards/Drum Programming /Vocodor) Also have to give shout-outs to all the Subscribers many thanks Nicolas from Florida Diego Orbe from Mexico Jesse from Japan Gareth from Connecticut Will from Germany Taybot from Seattle Mark Mclain from California Victor Norma from Texas Christopher from UK Brandon Kalarney from California Bobbi Fisher from Delaware Garry Washington from North Carolina Christopher from France Lawrence from Arkansas Christiano from Italy Robert from Birmingham UK Felipe Duhart from Switzerland James from California Ben from Atlanta Luke from Beverly Hills
:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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