
  • Genshin Impact/Red Eyes the Don

    Genshin Impact/Red Eyes the Don

    Penthaus Entertainment's administrator

  • Jeffery Thomas

    Jeffery Thomas

    Captain of Penthaus Entertainment

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    Renascence Media leader. Gang leader. Twitch streamer

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  • danielswan

    Just a shout out to you ALL.

    I would like to extend a warm 'thank you' to ALL who have listened, read, subscribed, and followed what I'm doing on n1m. It's been quite a ride since last summer when I joined the network. I've met some of you and had great exchanges for which I'm VERY thankful!!! I've also listened to you music and enjoyed reading your bios and watching videos. The MUSIC is 'where' WE live. It's ongoing and shows OUR many facets. Some of you may know that there is a way to post 'lyrics' to your songs, some may not know. I find this feature extremely helpful when listening to foreign languages in that I can 'right-click' and select the 'translate' option. I recommend everyone to post their lyrics. This is done by choosing the 'edit' mode in the gray button on the top left field where your songs are displayed (per song). Then, select 'lyrics' and type away. I use this function to tuck, not just lyrics, but also some articles that I've written. Some of them may be harder to grasp if you've not read what I wrote in my 'bio'. AS this world of OURS is ever-changing, I hope that what I offer is beneficial to ALL and, in some way, brings US ALL closer together. WE come from many different 'paths' and ideologies. Let US seek to find the 'middle ground' that leads US ALL ever upward in personal and societal growth that reaches that which WE ALL seek - inner peace and joy that reflects in the outer world. Grace and peace to ALL. Daniel Swan (The Piper)
  • danielswan

    A timeless thought, still relevant TODAY.

    I've always appreciated Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's version. This is the original. The earth is where OUR bodies come from and gives the 'medicine' the body needs where you are. It's spring-time and the violets and dandelions are in bloom. The flowers and greens of these two plants are good for the body. They cleanse the lymphatic system as well as contain vitamins like A and C. They make good teas and the greens can go into pesto, salads. The flowers are good as teas and violets can just be munched on. There are many benefits to the plants that grow naturally. The native cultures have always known this. WE have slipped away from the GARDEN of paradise. Let's get back to where WE once belonged. Learn more of what NATURE offers and partake.
:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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