Country / Country Rock / Country Trad.
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yes you can visit and become a "abonneren" member https://www.youtube.com/user/RobertPennekamp
Hi iám Angie K<ay> , Iám one of the group members of the Band KissyGirls, a singer. We are so happy to speak with you Lot's of kisses and Love Angie K<ay> KissyGirls
Thanks alot everyone!your kind feedbacks keep me going!i wanted to let you know that i always tune my guitar to 432 Hz.on the pic,its me and John V. jamming
Thanks alot everyone!your kind feedbacks keep me going!i wanted to let you know that i always tune my guitar to 432 Hz
Hi!as i am getting more and more requests for more work of mine,i have come to the conclusion that its totally fine with me to share some of my older works with all of yous <3 here is the lkink to one album of mine,released in November 2021,where i produced many cover songs,my way.and because i didnt wanna make some kind of profit off some one elses music,i decided back then,to give the whole album to the wold,for free to download here https://www.bandlab.com/lucienumbers/albums/1f4c3101-7546-ec11-981f-0004ffd34853 my own production in music is here https://rekakiss.bandcamp.com/ my dj sets are here https://www.mixcloud.com/Eksaal/ Peace