One Minute too late - demo track 2015


Song Reviews

One Minute too Late


This review is for the demo track-2015 of “One Minute Too Late” by the band Outfall. I love it. I love the music and the lyrics. You need to add your drums to it and it will be phenomenal. OMG! I am a female vocalist that have sang all my life and my brother is an awesome drummer. I also have a sister that plays acoustic guitar. So, I do come from a musical background. I would add the drums and make them sound as if they are telling your story in the song. Start out with a soft regular, softer, beat and then as your lyrics are telling your story build up with louder drums when your lyrics are telling your procrastinations, your delays and so on. Do you understand what I mean ? Build the drum part from softer to louder when you have doubts or negatives then louder as your lyrics triumph to get the point of your song across to listeners. I know what I would do with the drums but I’m not sure if I am explaining it properly to you. (The use of the drums to drive your doubts and triumphs across to the listener. Make the audience feel it first with your words then with the music and the drums. Bring them to tears. Make them feel your wanting to give in and triumph with getting past the delays and procrastination. This is great. I loved it so far and if you understand what I’m trying to get across, that song will go far. Make the audience feel what you are saying and use the softness and loudness of the drums to get it across. Amen. Love it. I”d seriously buy an album for that song! Good Luck.....DivaDee !

United States, Pennsylvania, Pottstown

very good


Greetings good music and lyrics is a blessing to make music with meaning and purpose I encourage you to continue working for God knowing that work for him is not in vain and we will have our reward hug greetings from Venezuela

Venezuela, Barinas

One Minute too late


Very good song. I like it because I feel the urgency to get right with Jesus and give my life to HIm. We need to seek Him everyday. Life is to short not to live for the Lord. God bless you guys and keep up the Righteous songs.

United States, California, Sacramento

"One Minute Too Late" demo review

Starts out with a {what sounds like} 12 string acoustic guitar, with the vocals coming in very nicely. The vocals are clear and well recorded, and understandable. This song has a Guns and Roses ballad feel to it. I think that about half-way through the song you should introduce some power chords and bass and drums, and a lead guitar part. Come out of that back into the acoustic part as a coda. I would love to hear this song as a finished track. I am giving you a 2.9 because of the fact that , though it is a great start, it is not complete as of yet.

United States, New York, New York

Very Inspirational Reminiscent of Rich Mullins

Heaven the Hard Way! Certainly an abrupt choice of words. True for most. You can't share the rewards, if you don't share the Word with the World. I've listened to the songs you have posted. Our Lord is using you as a messenger here. The words are true to form, to those of us who know the gospel of Christ. You are sending out the warning. Since it isn't finished I did some reflecting. you don't have to use them but i'll share with you where you took me: "In the blink of an eye every things so strange, I never realized how much could change. if you had known me before, You would say no way. Awakened im me, The realization of the price he paid. So I'll Pray for you not to hesitate. Hear my words that you may know his grace. The alternative is staring you in the face. One minute Too Late." Your welcome to any or all of it. I like what you have So far. You need not worry about the band. Finish it acousticly it is more powerful that way. I wrote that last night after I listen to you a few times. Thank you for the words of wisdom. Your style reminded me of a ragamuffin I use to listen to a lot. You have a Great Voice the cincerity hits home. ~Ã ₩ Ź~

United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh

One minute


Nice intro and sound,good vocal,lyrics,are floating by,born again is the thing,good message,a warning,hopefully heeded,Jesus is returning soon,good mix,like the guitar sound and voice,finish this one it’s a good song,and mood to it,it would be good to bring in some drums and pick the dynamics of the song with an even stronger message.they want 300 words so I’m typing here but good demo,and has great ministries possibilities.sing on for the king of kings ptl!

United States, Oregon, cannon beach

Good start


I think everything is headed in the right direction. Song, vocals, instruments are all good. I'm curious how your recording though, the sound is a bit different. Mic'd room, far from the amps? Also the equalization needs work to my ears. A full frequency range doesnt seem to be here. That's the only things I notice.

United States, Oregon, Clackamas

It leaves me wanting more...


I love what you have going on....It leaves me wanting more....I'm excited to hear the final product.... I have trouble understanding some of the lyrics toward the end..but I love the effect you have on your vocal. There's some room in the song for some cool drum fills and lead overlays...again, I can't wait to see how you finish it out! Will you add another verse? I gave a 4 1/2 because it's not totally finished...I'm sure I'll give it a 5 at completion :)

United States, Oregon, North Bend




United States, California, MOJAVE

A touch of despair


This song, has a lot of potential once finished with all instruments. The singer provides an almost distraught, and broken, feel .You can feel the pain, and definitely enjoy the jam. I enjoy this track, as it's not your mainstream surface songs.

United States, Texas, Dallas

Never too late


Nice sound. Starts out with a good intro and transitions well into the verse. The singer s voice is too cloudy from digital effects. He has a good tone no need to hide it. Chorus works on guitar not vocals. If you want to thicken vocal use a delay of 30 Milasecs. The lyrics are ok however singer needs to practice singing a few part or a few lines need to be rewritten to fit the cadence of song. Background instruments add a nice contrast

United States, Illinois, Aurora

acoustic is good


So far you got a good song here if you add the drums I would not put them in the beginning I would let the song build up then put drums on, a nice acoustic guitar solo would be very nice on here. Keep it up.

United States, California, Arroyyo Grande



I really like and enjoy your music keep on making great music and never stop creating Growing up as a little kid I use to listen to all types of music keep on going God bless you in all your endeavors.

United States, California, Every Where

Too Rich


Not much here. I can hear a floaty bass in my head, shame I don't have this before me to see if I can work it out. I from the beginning I hear just a tock sound, hitting the rim of the snare?, on beats 2 and four with no other drums at first. But let's look at what's here. The guitar is too rich and is drowning the vocal, they are competing for the same frequency range and in the "mud" range it is really muddying up the clarity of the vocal. The quick easy thing to do is put a high-pass filter on the acoustic guitar and ruin some of the dreamy feel. You could also use a multi band compressor to split the guitar into two bands on two different tracks, one track being the body of the guitar and the other track the higher frequency area of the guitar that is not messing with the vocal. Side-chain duck the lower frequencies of the guitar with the vocal while not touching the upper part of the guitar. That will work. Another thing you can try is a plug-in called TrackSpacer from WavesFactory and use that to duck the guitar with the vocal -- this might work best, focusing what it does more in the lower range of the guitar where the problem is, and you don't have to split the guitar into two tracks to split the frequency with TrackSpacer because you can designate in what frequency range it has its effect and by how much. This last thing is what I would do first because I have TrackSpacer and think highly of it. Don't duck for pumping, duck for clarity. Very pretty, dreamy piece so far. I didn't much listen to the words as my brain can either process words or it can process music, not both at the same time, I'm weird that way. There's my two cents for your two cents! You need to do something about that lower-mid mud range and the guitar and vocal blurring each other. That's the big thing. TrackSpacer from WavesFactory, no relation to me except as a happy user of the product.

United States, Michigan, Hastings

One Minute Too Late


I love the overall vibe and sound that Outfall has going with this song demo !! It has a bit of a Pink Floyd / Dark Side of the Moon feel to it (which we love, as we all grew up with Classic Rock influences) - but with a Christian message in the lyrics. I know this is a demo track - so it has captured my curiosity as to whether or not the song will continue on with some additional lyrics, and if they plan to carry the same mellow / relaxed feel - or if it will eventually build up to a rock'in section as well. Like what I am hearing !!

United States, North Carolina, Raleigh



No need to add anything, no guitar, no drums, choirs maybe only...It's a cool music and personaly I do love it like this. No need to add anything, It's good enough like this. Don't change , I can dream, feel cool, and drive my way silently with this song!!!! Keep on

France, Marseille

Great Start for Outfall

I really enjoyed listening to Outfall's One Minute Too Late. There is so much potential in this piece of music and I can hear where adding drums and guitar will take this song to the next step. Great job and I look forward to more from this group.

Canada, British Columbia, Vernon


Minor chords on a 12 string (with a lead guitar adding texture deep in the background) has a Genesis vibe to it. Personally stylistically this works for me and I believe is a pretty sober message. It is a pretty haunting lament of a song with a cautionary tale. If you are following the Genesis template then a break with tom toms with drums is the natural progression. As currently comprised this song does not lift my mood but, may appeal to Christian and Classis Rock audiences anyway. WIth a running time of 2:16 this is a good start to a song. Lyrically the song proclaims physical ailments and loved ones removed by unwillingness to be born again. The overall mood of the song does not elevate after coming to agreement with God. If you wish to embellish the idea of being "stuck" this is fine, but if you wish to give praise I would suggest a change musically to accompany the transformation. Overall the current production is leaning very heavily on the guitar for the hook. There is a lot to like is a good beginning.

United States, Illinois, Palatine

Heaven The hard Way... so many have hard difficult and unfair lives but to those who persevere "Well done good and faithful servant now enter into the rest of the Lord'

This song had a great guitar intro solid playing in time good rhythm I liked it a lot. The vocals seem good too but I won't be critical knowing it is sample of your song in the works and this is over a year ago so no doubt you have completed it by now. But for this recording the vocals are a little bit lost in the mix at places and feels like they were run through a chorus which did not help the clarity of the words. For me that was most difficult thing but my ears are shot from years of rock n roll, anyways.... The quality of the guitar playing was excellent and the tone was recorded nicely, the mood of the song was stirring and I felt an emotional connection. The lyrics combined with the melody were haunting in way, at first I wasn't sure but then I heard the words only a christian could sing and it pricked my heart. So well done! At this point depending on what type of band you are I would, if appropriate take this song into a power chord intro, with drums and bass in unison. You have the beginnings of a nice tune here. Good job and it always means more when you are guided by the spirit of God in your desire to serve Him the one true God who lives in the hearts of those whom love Him. I will now try and find the completed version of this song and see where you went with it. 4 stars for originality and playing 3 stars for the ambition and 2 stars for the original mix good luck take care.

United States, California, Los Angeles

about one minute too late

I think it has perfect singing perfect lyrics perfect music although you can place drums and lead quitar if you like to i myself just use the keyboard most times or guitar with singing so i like the choice of instrument i use so as your choice of instrument(S) in my opinion it dose not matter weather you use more instruments or not you can have a single instrument or a whole band you can even sing without instruments or with instruments it really depends what your prefrence is in doing the song and what you want to present to the ordience in my opinion so as i thought the song is tops so i gave it top rating ok GOD BLESS YOU your family freinds and everyone and do follow your dream where-ever the lord may lead it ok

Australia, Warragul 3820

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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