MInistry Of Ska
United Kingdom, London

About MInistry Of Ska

(expired link) was the brainchild of record producer Russell C. Brennan (aka Russell C. Writer) who grew up to the sound of all night Ska parties in Brixton. It was his first time fronting a band after writing and producing for Mod Icon Eleanor Rigby. It started as a solo thing and the first track
'Skanking with The Torreadores' featured on the Ska Beats album with many household names from the world of Ska like Buster Bloodvessel (Bad Manners), Rankin Roger (The Beat), Maroon Town, The Rude Boys and Double Trouble & the Rebel MC.
Russell was then joined by Dick Crippen, formerly of million selling acts Tenpole Tudor and King Kurt. They released the track Skaty on the Get This album on Flat Records. After contributing popular ska tracks to many Future Legend Records Cult Themes albums they produced a ska album of their own, Rarin to Go.
With the Rarin To Go project they were looking to 'put the smile back on the face of humanity and a twitch in the toe of the Pope', mixing classic 60's style ska with rude boy Judge Dread type humour. (expired link). also decided to kick start the new genre of Ska Surf with twangy guitar and a chilled out beach ska sound.
After a contribution to the Doc Martens album Generation to Generation they found themselves too busy with other projects to continue with the band. A rare solo track by Russell under the (expired link). name called Ska Surfin' will be released in May 2017 and is considered one of (expired link) best tracks. Russell has been considering re launching the band to do more recordings so watch this space.
Ministry of Ska's 'Rarin' To Go album' is considered a Ska classic. Deleted 5 years ago it is now available from iTunes or from your favourite download store either as an album or as individual tracks. AS is the recently released #Best of Ministry of Ska' featuring all their tracks.

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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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