I,m Comming Home

Do You Believe in Magic?

Song Reviews

I'm comming home, sensual healing

A rhythmic, sensual experience, full of music, with the possibility of dancing it body to body. . The main chorus is etched in your memory, and the smooth, permanent rhythm takes you down a clear path.. The main voice is well achieved, and the background voices contribute to create an intimate and sensitive atmosphere.

United States, 19 de Abril

your song

Thank you very much for sending your beautiful song for review. To be honest, I like the song very much, the singing melodies are ear catchy and that is always what I listen first in song; can I repeat the singing melody? In this case, yes, and I am singing it right now while listening. I have heard the song about 10 times today, because I like it a lot. This only thing I can say it might be a little better is the sound but, it goes about the song and the feel to it and you have nailed it very well, this song can be a hit, maybe you haven´t realized it, but, to me it is a hit, very nice song and I give 5 stars for such production. Send you many greetings from Germany, congratulations. keep it up. Alfredo from King Mambo

Germany, Muenster


The music is nice, and I like it. I think it does have that down to earth vibe to it. I like this one a lot, and you're on your way to getting an award somewhere . Keep producing beat work like this I love the lead vocals, and keep your touch on it. This is unique and original. I think this is a hit for sure. Nice one! By the music you can tell that you are passionate about your work as every artist should be. Never give up and dreams and bigger things will follow! Maybe we can collab one day! PEACE!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

Great song

Hello.I listened to your song and i really like it and the meaning of it.the guitar playing is also very nice and suits the song perfect.your vocals has a nice soft touch that makes the song great

Sweden, Hörnefors

Awesome ????????

A really great and awesome song really smooth and I like it a lot. Continue to stay creative and never stop going to the next level in your gifts. And thank you for sharing you your music with me I really appreciate it please give me a call so any music that you may have coming out and never stop sharing your gifts with the world. Thank you so much and enjoy your upcoming holiday in may God continue to bless you in all your endeavors peace.

United States, California, Every Where

I'm Coming home

Hello MAGIC... You have a great speaking voice, RADIO, MC, DJ would suit you just fine. As for your song it is well mixed and recorded with a catchy commercial sound. It fits well with the genre RnB and repetitive is not always OK but in this case it goes with the message you are relating to in the lyrics. The vocalists and musicians blend well together.I think this is a song that is easy to listen to and can go a long way. Good luck with it...Cheers Johnny from Melbourne Australia ????

Australia, Melbourne


Bei dem track muss sich die aufnahme ein wenig klarer anhören, es rauscht zu sehr. Und der Gesang muss ein wenig weicher klingen, der beat ein bisschen leiser bei der Aufnahme so das der Gesang deutlicher klingt. Bei der Stimme ist zu viel Hall drin so das es sich anhört als würde man in einer Dose hören, es würde mich freuen wenn sie es mit meinen Tipps probieren und es so neu aufnehmen. Es hört sich dann hundert Prozent besser an, Ich helfe gerne wo ich kann

Germany, Dortmund

my review of the song

Hello Magic! First of all I appreciate the opportunity you give to share your song and even more, to be able to directly comment on it. If the song is good, it expresses a feeling of its own on that return home. The sound is regular, the mix of the instruments is somewhat neglected, the percussions stand out too much. Anyway, keep working since what you're doing is pretty good.

Mexico, Chihuahua

Nice Groove

Like this, a very laid back affair with some nice guitar licks, and a slick bass part. Very reminiscent of Santana, and very listenable. Was a but unusual the very melancholic feel of the chorus, but it works! Also like the stop start feel of the verses!

United Kingdom, Essex



This is a good Idea for a song but arrangement and Vocal has to be better ( is always a good idea to sung in Tune)..somehow I got a feeling that Music Insiders will agree with me..send to Them and let's see what They will say..and also try to keep below 3.5 min mark..for commercial reasons Radio Stations do not like longer Songs..I like It but again some work need to be done before submission to Music Publishers or Radio Stations..I wish You good Luck.. Good Job..

United States, California, Los Angeles

Super smooth


Nice spoken intro. Good almost Spanish style rhythm guitar . Nice back up lead guitar good melody line fun drumbeat keep up the good work it sounds really great the harmony on the vocals sounds really good

United States, California, Arroyyo Grande



I like the Latin touch in this song..but some work need to be done specially in vocal part and if You do that put a better vocal on It..as it is now it will get hard time to be placed on Radio Rotation..You did a good Job...so far..

United States, California, Los Angeles



i'm comming home review. this song is a strictly Easy listening piece in the highest sense of the word. everything sounds in Easy listening style as I said everything recalls the Easy listening genre. personally it is not my favorite genre but I can give you a musical judgment that is certainly positive because all that there must be in a Easy listening piece in your piece is therefore complimented and continues. good job

Italy, italy



Sound like Latin Music to me..Quality Recording is not the best ..in order to send it to Radio Stations or Music Publishers You need to have a Radio Ready Quality..also Your song is to long for Commercial Use ( Radio are using mostly 2.5 - 3.5 min long )..so the best way to do in to cut intro and when You will rerecord the song make a more complex arrangement and use a better singer to ..You know that Music Publishers are hard to please..I wish You good luck with submissions..good Job..

United States, California, Los Angeles

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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