United States, Massachusetts, USA

About ⓀⒼiNK
Lifelong music fan with a valued collection of music in vinyl/CDs/DVDs & concert merchandise that is NEVER ending!
As i gladly support what i LOVE.
Multi-instrumentalist - obsessed beyond thankful to a vast audio history - just trying to add my own sounds to an admirable modern music world.
ALL of this music is played, recorded, produced & barely funded by 1 person!
ME - a - guy over 50 - still endlessly exploring & devoted to audio sound arts!
Inspired by countless artists, musicians, songwriters&re-inventors of the past in many genre's & styles but also trying to keep up with musicians&technology of modern sound. MUCH more music on my website! So please stop by & say "hi" on my guest book page or write to me personally through my webpages&email provided!
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