Kenny Glass
United States, Kentucky, West Paducah
Kenny Glass
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Kenny Glass

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About Kenny Glass

Be sure to check out my new CD "I Can't Wait" go to (expired link) and ask me how you can get one.
I grew up as the son of a man serving his country in the US Navy. My parents always made sure I went to the Navy Base Chapel Sunday School, where I learned of Jesus love for us and the many stories of the wonderful things our Lord did while here with us.
In the 6th grade, after Dad retired from the Navy, we settled into a civilian community in Southern Alabama where I learned not only did Jesus love us, but that I could insert my name in John 3:16 to read: "For God so loved Kenny Glass, that He gave His only begotten Son, that if Kenny Glass believes in Him, he shall not perish, but have everlasting life." I was a whosoever!
One day while walking from my Sunday School class to the church auditorium, God spoke to me in a very real way telling me He wanted me to follow Him. I don't remember what the pastor spoke on that day, but I do know that when the time for the invitation came, I went up to the pastor and told him I wanted to ask Jesus to be my Savior. We prayed and I came away a new man in the Lord, a decision I've never regretted.
Musical Background
Growing up in our house, music was just a natural extension of living. Mom played the piano (one that is still in her living room to this day). Dad knew a little guitar, and my older brothers played in the band at school. Several of Mom's family played piano, one was even Liberace (today we might say Dino) caliber. Some of Dad's family sang in quartets.
About the time I was in 3rd grade, Mom started me on piano. Even at that early age, I didn't realize it because my lack of musical knowledge at that point, but, in reflection, I already had an 'ear' for music. I knew how a song was going to go even if I had never heard it before by listening to the chord progressions.
The summer before the 8th grade, a cousin brought a guitar over to our house for an extended summer visit. I set out to learn it while continuing with the piano. With the guitar in the picture, I could not only 'hear' how the song was going to go, but now I could strum along with songs on the radio and TV. I played guitar with our church's Youth Choir throughout high school.
During college I continued my musical pursuit with a music-related degree, but began playing music in secular places of entertainment. For a while I lost focus of what God intended for me to be doing with my life and music. I thought I was going to be the next Engelbert Humperdinck. God then showed me that even though I couldn't afford to go back through college again, I could get training for a more conventional job by joining the military (US Navy).
While in the service, I began playing in Chapel services and even at times led the services on our submarine. There, the scripture "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil" really came to life for me as situations there could be quite challenging. Faith was a definite asset.
While in the service, I began writing Christian related music. Four and a half years into my Naval service, 1984, I made my first album. All the songs were original and used local musicians to assist me as I played, too. It was well received with family and friends, but due to moving a lot and still serving in the Navy, I was never able to give it the push that a project needs for advanced success.
For years as I moved around the country, writing and playing at the local church where I would be at the time was the only thing I could consistently do. So I continued to do both. It has always been a blessing to see how people respond to the musical gifts God has given me.
In 2001 God gave me a secular job which afforded me the time, opportunity, and equipment to record a 2nd album of original Christian songs. With God's help, it turned out better than I had hoped. Again in 2008, I began working on another album. It took over a year to complete, but I feel the final product was well worth the wait. My CD "God Can" was reviewed on (expired link) August 2012. My 1st project "Use Me, Lord" was re-released in digital form in October 2012 and my most recent project "My Favorite Time of Year" was completed in November 2012.
The songs I've written over the years have encompassed various musical styles from country to rock to easy listening to big band to quartet style. In recent years I've migrated a little more to the Country or Southern styles. Regardless of style, my songs project the love and goodness of the Savior, our hope for the future, and His influence on people who respond to Him. I think that as you listen, you will agree.

You can contact me at kdgandco@(expired link)

Total Plays: 7,638,594

Profile Views: 9,603,650

Followers: 1,411

Kenny glass has no Merchandise yet.

Past Events


Nov 04

7:00 PM

All Ages
Western Kentucky Gospel Music Association Fall Convention

United States, Kentucky, Paducah, Trinity Baptist Church 604 21st Street. , Paducah, KY 42001


Nov 05

7:00 PM

All Ages
Western Kentucky Gospel Music Association Fall Convention

United States, Kentucky, Paducah, Trinity Baptist Church 604 S 21st Street, 42003

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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