About GerGut Band
GerGut is a Colombian songwriter creating good music such as Blues, Rock & R&B. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the group is conformed by GerGut & Fercho Gutierrez.
Born In Cartagena, Colombia In 1,959,GerGut Has Been Making Music Since 1,975.
From The age Of About 5 Years Old, He Moved to Bogota,Colombia Where He Grew Up.
His Father bought his First Guitar at the age of 13 and Learned to play some covers
of Rock Bands with Neighborhood Friends.
His Mother had a Piano and taught him some lessons as well. He also Plays and enjoy
the Piano.
He Studied Business Administration & Finances But He Was Motivated For The Music All
The Time. He Played Along With His Brother Fercho and Both Learned Songs From
Different Rock's Bands Of The Moment, Such As Doobie Brothers, Eric Clapton, Eagles, Peter
Frampton And Many Others.
They Played on Parties,Bars,Gigs And Also With Rock Bands Like Red Cartoon In 1,995.
GerGut Moved To Florida,USA In 1,999 As Well As His Brother Fercho.
They Have Been Involved On This Project Of Music Since 2009, And So Far They Have
Recorded And Produced More Than 150 Songs That Have Been
Released Since Then.
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