United States, Texas, Houston
EMPIRE GENIUS Present: #GeniusUpMusic
*The initial reason we at EMPIRE GENIUS Records started our journey through music was to incorporate a better way of thinking to help people feel good about themselves and about the music we listen to. In the hopes of becoming a genius person in their own reality of life. We founded the @EMPIREGENIUS Music Records on Dec,13,2011.
Since then We @EMPIREGENIUS Music Records have maintained a level of purity that transcends the normal methods of creating music. Some of our goals is to compete in many different genres of music to share what we have learned to be able to earned over the many years, because we feel there is a need for a type of music that will brighten the minds of many lives and not destroy themselves or others. As we look into the mainstream music market I see a lot of repetition happening, I think this is due to the false inclination that you have to be extra hard, have a lot of women and be in a domineering role. It’s wild to me that many rapper’s adopt these characteristics an fall astray from originality which was the basis of being a artist.
Now they have secret societies that are harboring certain demographics of artist and filling the airways with educated not-so-geniusly-good music. We at the @EmpireGenius is Helping #JustGeniusUp the Music Records Industry by offering a array of fresh #JustGeniusUpMusic! that will be the spark for a new era of #GeniusUpMusic for musical interest, also many diverse manner’s to help other build the creative #GeniusUp spirit to produce music.
The world we live in is full of change which drives an individuals to create new things and work for a cause that will #GeniusUp the changes of many lives, given the different backgrounds people come from. Our #JustGeniusUp! vision is to give a person a means to turn the #GeniusUp lights switch on in their personal life and see pass the veil of insecurities and falsehood that the world projects.
We are Home based in #HoustonTX and plan to expand throughout the #UnitedStates then reach the #universal markets to #showcase our #talents. As #GeniusUp creators we are open to all forms of genius music and collaborative efforts from all groups or individuals that want to help Genius Up the change the norm and dive into the #GeniusUp level of the unknown. @EmpireGenius primary goal is to "#JustGeniusUp The Music" Industry as we stay #Genius up People.
Great Genius Thanks to You to All the #GeniusUpFans base for being apart of our #JustGeniusUp #worldDreams and yours.
You can Stream & Download the GeniusUpMusic new Genius single:
•"Genius And Dummies" ♫ by #GeniusMan. @AppleMusic @Spotify @Tidal @iHeartRadio etc
Visit (expired link) for more information about us @EMPIREGENIUS
Album "MINDS AGAINST MINDS" By GeniusMan #ComingSoon! Thanks You for you support! Please Like and Share
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(expired link)
CEO, #KendallPrescod @empiregenius
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Past Events
Oct 04
6:30 PM
All Ages
United States, Texas, Houston, 813 Saint Emanuel Street,, 77003.
Jan 26
6:30 AM
All Ages
GET TICKETS NOW!: GeniusMan – Tickets – @ THE SECRET GROUP – Houston Tx January 26th 2020 | Afton Show
United States, Texas, Houston , 2101 Polk St, , 77003
Jan 26
6:30 AM
All Ages
United States, Texas, Houston , 2101 Polk St, , 77003
Jun 27
7:00 PM
All Ages
United States, Texas, Houston , 2101 Polk St , 77003