N1M © 2003—2024
eja slade
1 week ago
Hello, how are you all? Whatever you're doing, if it's going well, keep right on doing it! Cut toxic people from your life, even if it means being lonely for a while. Don't let people use you, rid yourself of all parasites. I did this, and was lonely for a good length of time. But now I'm in a better place, no question. Yes, the album is going really well, I have three numbers done, mastered and mixed, sounding good. Should have it finished this side of Christmas, God willing. I have also become, by accident, a kind of entrepreneur/music manager, handling affairs for a couple of friends. These two ladies just ooze talent, and are salt of the earth. I have known them for over two years, and we are close. They both are multi-instrumentalists, and singers supreme. One is like Joni Mitchell, the other like Janis Joplin. Kind of, I mean, both are peerless. They both write also. Will keep you informed, as to their progress. Yes, the latest from Net. It is just what I wanted, a rock/punk power trio. Influences are Motorhead, Sex Pistols, AC/DC, Ramones, etc etc. One thing that is happening, is that people are beginning to take notice, who would not have done before. I guess they realise I'm in it for the long haul. Your own kind attentions have also, of course, been a major driving force. From the heart, I thank you. I am already prepping material for album two, which will drop next year. Will put some up online in the not-too-distant future. To all Net Commandos, young and old, I salute you. See you in a fortnight. Love and Hugs, yours, Eja xxx.
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3 weeks ago
Hello. Are you well? I hope so. I am good, and so is life. Yes, some developments : I'm recording my debut elpee, and tomorrow, Friday, will be my fourth track. There'll be ten altogether, and I'm being ably assisted by two session men/friends, on bass and drums. The guys own the studio, and also engineer, produce, mix, and master. As for the songs, I'm paying attention to every last detail, lyrics and music. I have also changed direction, it's rock and punk, with nods to Motorhead, Sex Pistols, AC/DC, and Ramones. Yes, no nonsense, gritty, grainy rock and roll. I have to say, I am so excited, I never thought I would write tunes like these. I'm already writing for album number two. Thank you so much for your support, I intend to repay you in kind, with some of my best stuff to date. Mind you, the record will not be finished until around Christmas time, or early New Year. But rest assured, it'll be a top-quality package, with graphic cover, photos, and lyric insert. Songs include "Power Thrill", "Refuse To Serve", "The Big Machine", "Nailed", and "Endurance". No title for the LP yet, will keep you informed. Yes, I continue to win the fight with depression, hands down. If you are affected, my thoughts and prayers are with you. With friends, I am fighting stigma here in Ireland, there is great work going on. So don't you give up, you can do it, and you will. Lotsa Love, Yours Always, Eja xxx.
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1 month ago
Yes, this is where it's at folks! As many of you will know, I've been trying, trying, trying, to assemble my ensemble, Net. Well, I need search no more, for now. Two young men (younger than me anyhow!) have stepped up to the plate, and so all is far from lost. No, we are putting together my debut album, yet to be titled, and we are three tracks in. Sound-wise, and influence-wise, it doffs the cap to Motorhead, AC/DC, Sex Pistols, Ramones, and classic rock/punk in general. It's energy all the way, with, if I may say so, ten tracks of on-the-money musical nuggets. Net is a trio (power trio?), bass, drums, and guitar/vocals. I put aside all the progressive stuff I had been working on, and, in six weeks, wrote the aforementioned ten songs. It took a lot of work, and involved writing, re-writing, and more re-writing. Words and chords, with attention to detail. Titles include "Power Thrill", "Refuse To Serve", "Bullet Magnet", "All The World's A Stage", and "The Keeper". I'll be collecting the recorded songs tomorrow, I am assured they sound like dynamite. If you don't have my email address, it's link, get in touch, and I will post the links to you. I'm already started album two, with three numbers, "Make Your Head", "Fists", and "The Mule". Friends, and people around me, are beginning to come around to the fact that this is for real, and I'm not fucking about. The launch for the elpee is already in the planning stages, and of course I'm thrilled. I want to thank you all for your unending patience, loyalty, and amazing support. The album should drop around Christmas, or early New Year. Not sure what title I will give it. Maybe just "Net"? Or "Perseverance"?. Or maybe "Net - Mach One"?. The possibilities are endless. What about "Power Thrill"?. Anyway, see ya next time, Love and Hugs, E xxx.
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2 months ago
Hello again. I am well, hope you are too. A few developments : I have begun recording my official debut album, and have two tracks down. These are "Kow Tow", and "Refuse To Serve". These are totally brand new, and fresh. I have put all my previous work to one side, and have ten new songs, including those above. It also looks like I have myself a drummer. This laptop crashed, resulting in the delay of this post. My apologies. The two guys who own/run the studio helped me out, on bass and drums. I continue to be in good form, resulting in some solid productivity. What gave me a shot in the arm, was watching Sex Pistols live in Brixton, 2007. It blew me away, and now informs some of my writing. I was also a bit down at the time, for the first time in a while, but am good again now. Don't forget, you are in my thoughts, always. I'll have the above songs online soon. "Be My Last" and "Daylight" are also on my list to record. That's twelve tunes altogether. The LP will be a limited edition, the reason being I'm going all the way with it, ie picture cover, proper inlay card, with photos and lyrics, and picture disc. It'll be thoroughly mixed too. The guys are totally sound, helpful, and professional. The place is called Beardfire Studios, and is in Dublin, home of U2. Check it out, should you visit Ireland. Oh yes, my new guitar : it's a Nexg 2, and is made by Enya, in the US. It cost a bit, but is worth every cent. It has an in-built 80 watt amplifier, making it suitable for most situations. I enjoy recording with it, it has a number of sounds/channels. Yes, I'm switching my focus, and musical direction, to sub-four minute numbers, which are more punchy, and more direct than before. I think you will like them. To record the entire album, will take a few months. I'm planning an album launch for some time before Christmas. All tracks will be on N1M. Once again, hope you are good, mind yourselves, I'll be in touch in a fortnight, Lotsa Love, and hugs, Yours, Eja. xxx.
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