11 months ago

August/September 2023 DustyMarcus Newsletter

Dear listeners, We have had a crazy August. Both myself and my spouse had Covid, I ended up with viral pneumonia and she was diagnosed with something called Brugada syndrome which is a very serious heart condition. As those of you who have been watching my videos you will see that I had a bunch of health things going on as well. The good news is that they have cut or switched some meds and I am feeling much better. Going to test my voice today to see if it’s back. When they did the endoscopy my throat and voice were pretty much shot. I am hoping September will be kinder. We are moving ahead with the Gordon Lightfoot tribute show. It will feature most of Gordon Lightfoot’s hits plus a few covers and some originals. It will be a great night out!! For those who are interested in vocal training I would recommend Jan Cooper. His knowledge of music and his demeanour are amazing. When I was first looking at meeting with him I was a little intimidated and by that I mean I was really intimidated!! Within 30 seconds we were doing great and I we became fast friends. Check him out at https://www.cooperstudiospro.com We are also getting ready for the release of Dangerous!! We will be doing a photoshoot in the coming week or two (Rudy Graf is the photographer) . Speaking of Rudy, if any of you are in to photography you need to check him out. He took a picture of an eagle the other day that literally blew my mind!! facebook.com/rkphotografs I will be letting you know the exact release date for Dangerous as soon as I know. We were shooting for October 2nd but let’s see. I will be in the Vancouver area on or around October 10th. I am looking forward to writing a new song with Tim Steinruck (The Mighty One) and also shooting a video for Dangerous. In the meantime here are the links to our latest release Stay plus the videos. https://music.apple.com/ca/album/stay-single/1689972656 Here is the lyric video https://youtu.be/IwsTOX7iWM0?si=NWziUholutobVQVq Here is the video https://youtu.be/iYzaMNZ7QTg On a sadder note we lost an artist in August, Glen Caine was a fantastic country musician. He was very well known in the country music circles and he had played with many well known country artists including Merle Haggard. He will be missed by all of us. Please check out https://glencain.country for more information and the music of Glen Cain. I hope you all are enjoying September, it’s getting a little darker a little earlier now. The trees leaves will be changing soon giving us a wonderful gift of colour and outright beauty. Remember to take in these amazing gifts from mother earth. Yours in sound, DustyMarcus

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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