Hangin' by a String

Dickie Doom's Two Week Notice Project

Song Reviews

Dave Daker's "Hangin' By A String"

Upon your very listen to Lombard, Illinois based artist Dave Daker and his fabulous "Hangin' By A String", you cannot help but to be deeply impressed by the musicianship, inspired songcraft and exceptional production values. While Dave Daker's musical influences do reveal themselves, Decker has certainly achieved a great sound that is uniquely his own. Highly recommended!

United States, Hawaii, Volcano

Hangin' by a String

Great song really love this song great piece of art work delivered beautifully guitar sounds are amazing sing great backing vocals are great while I'm writing this and im listening to this a second time......I just love it,.......the lyrics are awesome tbe arraignment are awesome ......it's written and delivered beautifully ...the lead guitar sound as me myself a guitar player love tbe sound. I just started for the third time............love it love it love it ........tbe musicianship is great was played vreat ..................thank you for letting me review this song I truely love it......................

United States, New York, Middle village


Good afternoon thank you for sharing your song I really like the title I really like the intro at least all types of music classic rock gospel rap just name a few. Thank you for your creativity thank you for sharing keep me posted on any new music that you got coming out in the future that I can check out.. thank you again ask for a lot of artists we got to support each other and look out for each other thank you again have a wonderful day enjoy the rest of your ask for a lot of artists we got to support each other and look out for each other thank you again have a wonderful day enjoy the rest of your week

United States, California, Every Where


si parte con un bravo vocalist per il rock con voce giusta per il genere e tanta grinta anche il pezzo non e' male e buone anche le doppie voci si ascolta volentieri questo pezzo con assolo di chitarra che arricchisce l'arrangiamento ma secondo me pur essendo bravi ma nca ancora qualcosina per essere al top copmunque ci siete vicini bravi continuate cosi' la prossima sara' top

Italy, dalmine bg

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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