Daniel Swan
5 months ago


MY BODY is essentially two halves working as a whole. There are many perspectives of view; front/back, top/bottom, inside/outside, LEFT/RIGHT, that ALL constitute MY BODY. MY BODY is a visible representation of MY MIND. As I evaluate the my values of what is best for MY BODY, I will not favor 'one side' or 'the other'. Rather, I will look at the benefits of BOTH and the weaknesses of BOTH to determine the candidacy of those values that best serve the continuance of MY BODY with ALL of its respective members. To favor one side (or party) is to divide the BODY politic which will then FALL. I will evaluate the past history of any candidate and judge for myself the relevancy of their contributions to the continuance of MY BODY , Those that serve MY BODY I will to support. This is MY RESPONS ABILTY to MY BODY which the individual is but a member part of a TOTALITY in time and space. BOTH sides of MY BODY must work together as ONE to support the spine. The spine is 'the AXIS' of the universe. If the spine breaks, the BODY dies. I have a duty to support the CENTER of MY BODY to be enabled to continue in existence. The currents flow from the head to the respective parts of MY BODY. Anything that constricts the flow of this CURRENCY is detriMENTAL to the BODY. I desire to remove any constrictions of CURRENCY for the health of MY BODY. "I" AM the ONE who lives in a body. "I" AM not any one part (identity politics) but the ONE in ALL that moves the parts according to the MIND. "I" AM not a nationality, a religion, or race but a complete amalgamation of ALL the parts. "I" desire that ALL parts work 'as ONE'. To worship any single 'part' is to establish a false god. There is only ONE in ALL. This is why is it written "You shall have no other gods before ME". YOU are a reflection of the ONE in ALL. YOU and "I" are ONE. TO hold ONE is reverence is to hold ALL in reverence as ALL are ONE. "I" AM the ONE in ALL. This is the kingdom of the ONE who cannot be named. The ONE is above all other names. Every name is a word. There is an overarching WORD that cannot be named; the unseen ONE is that WORD that encompasses ALL words. The Alpha through the OMEGA. The FIRST, the LAST and ALL points in between. THIS IS "MY" BODY; broken 'for you'. To UNITE MY BODY is the desire of "ONE" among YOU.

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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