Daniel Hall
Australia, Sydney
Daniel Hall
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Daniel Hall

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About Daniel Hall

I am a solo musician and songwriter based in Sydney Australia. I am now signed to UK record label Pink Dolphin Music which happened after the release of my 12th album, Anomaly.
Music has been a labour of love since I was a child. Having been brought up in a home where my father always had music playing, it left an indelible mark on me. In the early 80's, my father would bring back from his overseas trips, cassette tapes of new pop groups and this got me hooked. I started saving my pocket money and bought as many records and tapes as I could. As a teenager, I saved up for a nice stereo unit and keyboard whilst working in the holidays. I dabbled around making some of my own material on a 4 track mixer and mike. I released my rst album in 1992 and
entered an 89FM music competition where I was runner up at which time I received a bit of NZ radio airplay. With travel and work commitments there was a hiatus of creating but I never lost the passion.
Technology has had a massive effect in the music industry and in 2008 I took advantage of this and started to work on new material. I created a new instrumental album to see if I still had the knack. With alot of encouragement from family and friends I decided to do a new album and test the old vocals out and released "Supernova" in 2011 via Tunecore, basically just to see if I could do it. With a
few vocal tracks on the album and a few sales, I was encouraged to keep with that style and do more but really make it about me and keep things original.
"Deep Down" was released in August 2013 and to my amazement, reached No.4 in the Australian Reverbnation electronica charts! Picking up 150 fans on Radio Jango and some good sales and reviews on Amazon, I decided to keep the creative juices owing. “Evoke” was then released followed by "Magnum Opus" and 'Dizzy Heights" giving me in excess of of 100 tracks. I then decide to do a "Best Of" album and in June 2015 "Light & Dark" was released as a boxed USB and is my most successful album to date. I still had some unfinished tracks in the vault and went back to listen to
them again and felt I had few catchy tunes I could work on. The creative juices started owing again and 6 months later I had another album "Romantic Tendencies" complete. The 1st single "One Reason" was awarded a commendation by the UK Songwriting Competition. I narrowly missed out by 1 point to reach the semi finals but was more than happy to be in the top 20% of all entries across all genres. Influences from my favourite artists are still apparent and the album has been mastered by Tom Eales a well known London DJ. I have also started making lm clips to accompany my songs. I
find the visuals really tell the story of each track. In 2016 I released 2 more albums (along with lm clips) ‘Hope” and ’’Together Again” which more successes and numerous commendations from the UK Songwriting Competition including 1
semi-final position. I now have a good 1500 fans across multiple music sites.
My 9th full studio album is in the works and will be called “Maelstrom” It was released in July/Aug 2017. My 10th album X is a compilation album including new tracks which was released in March 2018 as a special boxed USB. Elevate was my 11th album which was released in Nov 2018. Anomaly was my 12th album which was released in June 2019 and in Aug 2019 I was signed to a UK record label and release a compilation album called From Within which included 3 new tracks. My 14th album Dark Horse, will be released in June 2020 under the Pink Dolphin label.

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:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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