N1M Charts

N1M Charts
Week 30, 2024

Now showing the United States charts for all genres. Change chart or genre?

  • Position has dropped relative to last week
  • Position has increased relative to last week
  • Position has stayed relative to last week
  • Hot shot debut
  • New
  • Peak Position
  • Last Week Position
  • Weeks on Chart
* Please note, The Charts are calculated on a Weekly basis according to our very special formula of song engagement which includes many factors of activity for a particular song. Those factors cannot be discussed here or elsewhere to avoid any cheating.
  • 1
    Somebody Just Like You - AlexanderAruca
    Hard Rock / Metal
  • 2
    Louisiana Midnight - Richie Hoffman
    Rock / Indie Rock
    Signature review:

    Richie Hoffman. Louisiana Midnight

    Richie this is such a treat great guitar work and brilliant percussion works so well on the big spre... more Richie this is such a treat great guitar work and brilliant percussion works so well on the big spreakers great bass riff carring the song with interwoven lead guitar oh takes me back to the 70s when music was real but this sounds so fresh and gets the tingles down the spine (That I thought I had grown out of ) this has blown me away so powerful so Glad I pressed play. just makes one want to get out on the Bike and ride ... Hey press play and let RICHIE TAKE YOU THERE ! less

  • 3
    Something Completely - Eddie Bluestone
  • 4
    I could Just kiss You ( for walking away ) - Vital Spirit, T Harris , Nay'yir ,outinthewoodsrecords
    Country Pop / Alt Country
  • 5
    You ain’t ( cover song) - Mizz Kim
  • 6
    Good Vibes - Simply Chillin'
    Alternative / Rock
  • 7
    Lessons to Learn (Steve Moran) - William Ladislaw - Poet
    Indie Pop
  • 8
    Big Baller - Russell Entertainment Group L.L.C.
    Hip Hop
  • 9
    Faded - Offical1la
    Hip Hop / Rap
  • 10
    badder then my x girl - Asung
    Rap / Hip Hop
:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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