Barbara Berta
2 years ago

new song

SUSPENDED  ‘Suspended’ is how I felt during the many months of uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Hardly being able to move, yet desperately needing to; even interacting with others was difficult, so we might just as well learn to be patient – something that I have never learned to do. It’s hard to believe but it was also useful because the extra time I had on my hands taught me to stop and look at people, at those that I love, with more focus.  Suspended above the sea, sitting on a swing hooked to the sky, looking for a sign and feeling that I no longer belonged anywhere or to anyone other than myself. It was difficult to fight against anxiety when the unknown caused such deep fears, like the fear of loving or of being loved, but many others too (lailala)  As I couldn’t look forward, I had to look back to rediscover the joy of my most beautiful memories, those that had brought me serenity and the strength to welcome a new future – even if I had to make it up as I went along.  Sitting at my electric piano, I wrote this song in a few hours, the words just came out as if they knew where to go, and they pushed my voice in many different directions. It wasn't easy to find the right interpretation, but I was helped by a wise and highly experienced producer: Fausto Cogliati. With extreme sensitivity he led me by the hand on a new journey towards destinations I had never seen before.  I think many people will recognize themselves in this song. I would like it to reach as many as possible, without distinction, because after all everybody has been touched one way or another by this situation, and maybe suffering is the only thing that we really have in common.  I want to invite people to hug each other again, with that lightness of spirit that you can only find when you come back up from those depths – and they are different for everybody - but they are always dark. I have no expectations except to be listened to, and in exchange I will show you my naked self and you can look right into my soul. There’s no point resisting when the whole world is in the same situation.  There are things that cannot be hidden and that need to be shown to as many people as possible. I think this song has that delicate strength that doesn’t force itself on you, it simply come to you as a gift.    Barbara Berta  SUSPENDED  (B. Berta / B.Berta)    If you are looking for a meaning and looking for the truth,  You try to move while standing still,  To feel something,  to feel complicity -  It’s hard, it’s almost impossible.    But there is one thing I can't explain:  How your eyes manage to mirror my heart.     Suspended  In some indefinite time,  Like a blade of grass in a meadow  With no definite borders.     Suspended  In a bottomless void  With no joy or pain,  With no anxiety or fear of falling.    Because even the unknown is fragile.  You love me, and this can hurt.  It’s neither illusion nor reality,  It’s only the waiting, blind and suspended.    If there’s one thing that I can’t explain,  If words themselves should fail me...     Suspended  I close my eyes and hold my breath.  Digging back into my past  I patiently look to the future, and relax.  Suspended  Between the blue of the sky and the sea  With no joy or pain,  With no anxiety or fear of falling.    But there is one thing I can't explain:  How your eyes manage to mirror my heart.    Suspended, suspended.  So, so space is suffocating me,  So little light in my mind.  Hold me for a moment.    Suspended  I close my eyes and hold my breath,  Digging back into my past  I patiently look to the future, and relax.  Suspended  Between the blue of the sky and the sea  With no joy or pain,  With no anxiety or fear of falling.    Suspended, suspended. 

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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